Friday, January 1, 2010



Today I've been looking for photos ( from the Internet ) to show you how we welcome in thew New Year in Australia.
In Brisbane, where I live, people by the hundred thousands gather at the Southbank Parklands in the city.
These parklands, along the southbank of the river right in the heart of the city, have lovely grassed areas, free electric BBQs and of course the lovely "beach" where families can swim and picnic.

 From early afternoon families and friends gather, choose a good position and set themselves up to party the night away till the big fireworks display on the river at midnight.

If you look carefully here you can see the "beach " in the foreground.

This is the "beach" in the daytime.

In Sydney millions of people gather at vantage points all around the beautiful harbour looking towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge which is the focal point of the fireworks display.

It's usually hot and everybody is ready to party !
 The spectacular fireworks begin at the stroke of midnight - usually synchronized to music on one of the FM radio stations.

After all that excitement we usually have a quiet day at the beach or at home either by the pool or asleep in front of the TV !

Hope you had a nice New Year's Eve and that 2010 is all that you hope it to be!



  1. Oh my word! What amazing photos. I love fireworks! New Year in our fine city of Norwich was relatively quiet. It snowed quite hard and by midnight a hard freeze had set in. We have woken this morning (rather late!!!) to a white winter wonderland again. It's beautiful, but we have one daughter arriving home tonight from ski-ing in Switzerland and our other daughter and her boyfriend and our son and his wife needing to travel back to their homes in Manchester tomorrow. Snow has a good and a bad side!!! Hope your New Year is all you wish for too. Thanks for stopping by. Ros

  2. Happy New Year Helen! and what brilliant photos! I think I would loove New Year in the sun, yes Christmas in the cold and New Year in the sun would be perfect. Thank you for showing what it is like on your side of the world. All the best for 2010 Kim x

  3. Happy New Year! We woke up to rain this morning. What beautiful photos sure puts me in the mood for a party. Relaxing at the beach sounds great too! Hope you have a wonderful day! ((hugs

  4. A very happy new year to you and your family.
    Take care,

  5. Hi Helsie,
    I wouldn't mind sitting at the beach with the warm sun shining away! It's not too bad here this morning - overcast but in the low 40s F. with a very light dusting of snow. Lazy day watching the Rose Tournament Parade on TV and eating leftovers from yesterday. Philly (Philadelphia) shoots off fireworks in the Delaware River at New Year's and 4th of July celebrations. We've never seen in person but we watch on TV. Your fireworks are great! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  6. Hi Helsie

    Happy New Year! Let's hope it's a goodie for us all ..

    Kate x

  7. Love your view of Sydney. Wonderful fireworks display. And the beach. A loss for words.

    Will comment more later, but heading to some friends for dinner.

    Happy NYD Hugs,


  8. Hello Helen,
    So unbelieveable, fireworks and it's not cold! Lovely lovely photos of the fireworks. I've really enjoyed looking at these photos. I hope you enjoyed New Year. We went out for a curry at our favourite curry house earlish then back home and watched the New Year celebrations in London on the TV, very quiet for us as always. That's how we like it. Celebrations shortened in London only 8 minutes due to the credit crunch! Cutting down apparently this year.
    Look forward to reading some more great posts in 2010! I just love that photo of your in your header. REally, lovely of you sitting amongst the ferns!
    Hugs and Love as always Suex

  9. Thanks for stopping by Helen! I thought I had a male admirer at first! Hope your computer is okay. Quietish day today, I was up late last night finishing off.
    Oh well it's all over for another year! I'm sure the next will go just as quick.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  10. Same post I think.... But, OMG... is that a new header picture... It's great. Keep it.

    Rushing around again today, like a chicken with his head cut off... but still in p.j.s at 300pm.. icks.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
