Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yipee I'm done!
Yes, I've done ALL my Christmas shopping .
I've wrapped all the presents.
I've shopped for the groceries.
I'm ready!
I'm  DONE!
Well, I still have to pick up the ham and shop for fruit and vegies but I'm nearly done!

We've had so many early Christmas gatherings with scattered family that the present stack under the tree is dwindling.
Wish I had a lovely skirt under my tree like Mrs Twins. That will have to be a 2010 project.

I noticed my souvenir decorations when I was photographing the presents so I thought I would show them to you. I try to find one to bring back from the places we visit overseas.
Like this ....

from Scotland..
and this ...

..from Alaska...
and this...

..from Canada...
I love the memories they bring with them.

Hope we can have a new souvenir for the tree next year!

And finally here's another Aussie Christmas card.



  1. OK...... I'm soooooooo jealous. In a good way, as you are getting me motivated even with my cold to get busy this morning.

    Don't you just love to collect ornaments from your travels. Alaska, wow, did you cruise? That's on our list for sure.

    Love the surfing Santa....

  2. Wow! Your decorations are gorgeous! What a good idea bringing back from where ever you go! Your presents under the tree look really pretty too. I wonder what's inside??
    Glad you are 'done' Helsie. It's such a lovely feeling, now you can do what you like and enjoy the countdown! I've been busy crocheting, but not for this year's post! Will save for the New Year I think.
    Have a lovely day,
    Hugs and Love Suex

  3. Helsie how organised you are it must feel great! I wish I was finished - almost but not quite and I haven't wrapped anything yet! I can feel a cold coming out and now its starting to snow here! You can sit back and have a sherry!!!! Take care Kim x

  4. Hi Helsie,
    I miss posting yesterday for the first time since I started blogging a month ago because our internet service went down. Maybe it's a good thing because I was able to focus on wrapping all my gifts instead of surfing the blogs. My shopping and wrapping is done too. It's amazing how good that makes me feel. Because that was done I was able to start my sugar cookies today. I mixed and baked them today rather than dividing the process into two days. Now I can frost them tomorrow and I will be done and have my weekend free. Then I just have to do the laundry and pack to go home for Christmas. Oh, I'm still working on the Christmas cards - hubby runs the labels for me. This year I decided not to write anything on the cards just insert our annual Christmas letter and let it be. I've signed the cards and inserted the letters just waiting now to put the stamps and labels on. Sat. night we are going to a neighbors Christmas open house. Before we know it Christmas will be here and gone. I liked seeing your souvenir ornaments. I got a Tinkerbell Christmas ornament at Walt Disney World (Florida) on our last trip there. We are going back to WDW late January and meeting my roommate from college along with her hubby. All of us graduated from Kent State University (Kent, OH) - where the national guard killed the students back in May 1970. Well, I better stop and get going. Have a nice evening!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. Hi Helsie - love the decorations. I started something similiar with collecting the ornaments, only I have let my kids bring them back for me from overseas as all our holidays have been in Australia lately. It is a wonderful memory for you of the places you have been.

  6. Hi there,
    I can't believe you're already sorted for Christmas! I'm a little jealous. When do you start getting organised? I definitely need to start sooner...
