Thursday, December 17, 2009


Now that Christmas is pretty organised I can switch my attention to other things.

Do you remember I wrote a post about a memorial quilt that my CWA (Country Women's Assoc ) group is working on ? It is being made to represent the Queensland branch of DV Connect (Domestic Violence Connect) at a memorial service to be held in Canberra ( our national capital ) in mid 2010.
(You can see that post here )

It has to be done in certain colours - green and purple are the colours of Domestic Violence....

... and it has to have a red rose in the middle - the symbol of the women who have died.

It's not easy to tie in a red rose with purple and green but Sandi and Shirley found this material for the border...

... so our roses are a salmony red colour.

The centre rose became a handpainted wreath of roses ....

.. and our clever artist has the colours exactly right!

So today we gathered to put it together and make some final decisions.

We plan another line of purple between the border and the nine patch so this is not the final look but decisions were made on edges here and there and the words
  will be painted above the wreath.

I think it's coming together quite nicely, don't you?



  1. Hi Helsie,
    Nice quilt. My hubby's cousin makes beautiful quilts. Thanks for your help with my Santa Claus 1865 post. I'm still learning and have dragged my hubby in to help me too with loading images. So we are both learning. Went to bed but the leg twitches woke me up so I'm trying to get my mind off of it by playing with my computer. We will be busy while back home in Ohio visiting family over Christmas so I'm not sure if I will be able to do any posts. The motel we stay at does have internet service and we do take our laptops with us. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone but I know I will still be ready to come back home to Philly.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Its going to be beautiful and poignant Helsie what a wonderful project Kim x

  3. The quilt is beautiful. What happens to the quilt? Have always wanted to do one, but just need to find some guidance.
