Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well the cacophony of sound that is the flowering gum breakfast sesssion woke me up again this morning but this time I reacted differently.
I clamped my eyes shut and lay there and drifted - drifted and planned and listened to the squarking and chattering and quarreling of the lorikeets and it was very pleasant.

And then the noise stopped. They were gone and the silence was  deafening !

But I had used the drifting time to think about blogging and how much I am enjoying myself, enjoying writing and communicating, enjoying planning and photographing, enjoying flitting all over the world and peeping into people's lives, enjoying making new friends and getting to know new people.

So now I have some plans. Some new ideas for posts. I hope you'll  find them interesting 'cos your blogs fill my day with interest.
I LOve to visit you and see what is happening in your world.

You've brightened my day.


  1. Hi Helsie,
    Glad you finally got some silence! Regarding the "Cottage Home" on my blog - that picture was taken during our RV trip to northern CA last year 2008 from Sept. - Oct. Currently we are at home. We did start an on-line trip journal this year and you can see our daily journal and photos for two of our trips this year at: www.mytripjournal/WWyants
    I hope to go back and post pictures from our CA trip one of these days. I look forward to following your postings. Take care...

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Helsie, what a beautiful view you have and such a clear blue sky - looveely! Looking forward to your new ideas for posting and you are right blogging is a great hobby and it is so nice to meet different people take care and have a good dayx
