Saturday, December 5, 2009


Sending Christmas cards is a tradition that seems to be dying in this age of electronic communication. I know I do not send very many these days.
I'd rather phone and have a chat, say a personal " Hello" and "Merry Christmas" but there are those few that I continue to send.
To older folk who still like the old fashioned ways or family overseas who like to show others that they have been remembered.
But most cards in the shops look like this .......

or this

or this

... and that bears no resemblance to an Aussie Christmas.

So ....

in the weeks leading up to Christmas I'm going to show you a few Aussie style Christmas cards.

Here 's what an  Aussie  Christmas card looks like.

and this

I LOve the humour in them, the way they reflect our Aussie way of life.
I've lots more of them to show you as the days count down towards Christmas.



  1. i love your style of cards, i was going to stop sending cards this year, but coudnt bear to break the tradition, so my husband went out and found some beautiful vintage style cards and i will be addressing this weekend.

  2. Hi Helsie,
    What cute Christmas cards you have down under. It does seem more appropriate since it's summer for you. We had our FIRST snowfall today! I didn't get any pictures - didn't have the camera with us while we were touring the historic homes - and it was dark by the time we got home. It's suppose to be 41 degrees F. tomorrow so it will probably melt. I have a nice fire going in the fireplace while I type this. I'm watching HGTV - do you get HGTV down there? I still do Christmas cards although Hubby was saying we should cut back on them this year because postage is so high here. I think we've been sending out around 80 cards but not everyone returns one. Well, have a nice day.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  3. Hi Helsie
    What a great idea to show "OUR" cards. This is the first year I have not sent any out
