Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Thing #1:

Look at this gorgeous thing - a perfect little  daffodil  ( a real one ) - preserved in this lovely paper weight.
 It reminds me of the daffodils we saw growing near Chipping Campden in Spring last year.
I had always wanted to see the daffodils that grow in cooler climates in the Spring.
THAT makes me very happy!

Thing #2:

This delightful little fellow is an   INUKSHUK. 
These man-like structures have many meanings and were originally built by the Inuit people in Canada.
Most travellers to the Canadian Rockies will have seen the little piles of stones throughout the countryside to show that others have passed that way.
They say " I have been here. "
The meaning I like best is the one adopted by the upcoming Winter Olympics - the INUKSHUK is seen as a symbol of friendship by the Inuit and their fellow Canadians.
THAT makes me very happy!

Thing #3:

My WIP is coming along nicely, don't you think?
Still quite a bit to do 'til it is finished but it's looking good
THAT makes me happy too!


  1. Helsie I love your three things - I love the Winter Olympics more than the Summer ones! The daffodil is beautiful - I love just after Christmas here when we get lots of daffodils here I love love to have a vase of them in the kitchen. You have made great progress with your WIP its looking great, you must be very pleased. Take care

  2. I love your Daffodil paperweight!!! And the Xmas coloured runner
