Thursday, November 19, 2009


When I was younger I was a great fan of Agatha Christie.
I devoured all her books.
I loved the murder mysteries ( still do ) but most of all I loved the window into life in the England of those times.
I lapped up tales of life in tiny  villages - the intreagues, the church, the servants, the upper classes., the weekend parties in country houses.
And it was in those pages I first read of   Mahjong !
From then on I wanted to learn to play Mahjong.
It was on my "bucket list " of things I wanted to do when I retired.

And now I'm doing it !

Every Friday morning I take myself off to my Mahjong Group. The kindly ladies of this group gladly took me in and were happy to teach me the game I had always wanted to play.
And you know what? ...........

I   LOVE  it  !!!!!!!!!!!!!

KNEW  I would !

The patience they showed while I stared at the tiles and tried to work out which hand I was going to try for. Would it be this one?


or this one?

3 Philosophers

or this one?

5 Odd Honours

or this one ?

Crazy Chows
Oh, how I look forward to my Friday Morning Mahjong.


  1. How nice that you thought you would love it - and you did - it lived up to your expectations! What a lovely way to spend Friday mornings! Hope you had fun x

  2. Wow, looks like an interesting game...I have never heard of it in US. I'm glad you like my Santa Count Down project...come and visit again soon.
