Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today was a scorcher - about 34 degrees and while I was giving the parched plants in the backyard a little water to get them through 'til the promised storms tomorrow, I listened to the sound of the lorikeets at dusk.

Noisy aren't they?

They seem to fill the treetops with their chatter. There are so many of them too. I used to feed them every day when we were at our last house. Just a little bread and sugar and they come in droves, tell their mates and bring them along too. And they love to have a bath- dive in and get really wet.

Sometimes the cockatoos would join them.

We still have them visiting our garden here because we have all the native plants they love.

The kookaburras visit us here too - and always manage to wake visitors at dawn with their laughing while they challenge eachother and claim their territory !

But we have to go a little further afield to see these beauties, they love the rainforest areas.

Aren't we lucky to have such lovely birds?


  1. Oh, my goodness. I can't believe you actually have these birds flying right into your backyard. Amazing. Color is awesome. You will have to make a few like Attic 24 out of these colors.

    Now about the weather... Jealous. Parched, HOT, muggie. Those are things of the past here. We are not about 40 degress F., even during the day. Winter is right around the corner, so besure to keep us updated with some pictures of your warmth.

