Sunday, November 8, 2009


In Brisbane, the kids at High School and Uni students know it is end of year exam time when they see the beautiful Jacaranda trees beginning to shower the streets of Brisbane with vibrant purple petals.

 The town of Grafton in New South Wales has taken the celebration of this beautiful tree to a new level with the Grafton Jacaranda Festival. We visited Grafton for the first time this weekend and this is what we saw ....

A week of heavy rain had knocked the majority of flowers from the trees, but the sight was still spectacular.

Long avenues of purple disappear into the distance ......

......... and purple flowers carpet the grass beneath them

Breath-taking aren't they?


  1. These trees are stunning, just stunning. Just what we need here as we are heading into winter. Keep us all alive with your breathe of spring color. Unbelieveable.

    Thanks so much for sharing your springtime weather.

  2. The trees, flowers and bird on your blog are terrific! I noticed your mug collection and the Scottish thistle design on one. My husand and I hope to go to Scotland in a couple of years with other family members for a tour. We have lots of ancestory from Great Britain and would love to visit the places they lived before coming to America in the 1800's. Thank you for the nice comment and suggestions you left on my blog too.

  3. these trees are so beautifull, i am dreaming of lovelieness
