Friday, November 27, 2009


I have a confession to make.
I'm  NUTS  about trees !
I'm always happy if there are  trees around.
They give me shade.
They make me feel cool. 
They sway in the breeze......
and, if you live in the sub-tropics like I do, Summer is the time when the tropical flowering trees are at their best.

So ....

if you don't mind ........

I'm going to show you some of my favourites

#1 the Poinciana Tree

You know Christmas is near when the Poincianas begin to flower. If you drive through the older parts of Brisbane you can see some very large specimens of this glorious tree.
Like this one.
It takes up a whole house block. Shaped like an umbrella it covers a large area with shade.
It is just beginning to flower .

Now look at these!

They come in two colours - red red ......

....... and orange red.

Lovely aren't they?

More on trees later ...................


  1. Hi Helsie,
    Yes, they are lovely! They look like one big poinsettia (Christmas plant that has big beautiful leaves RED or White or Pink). The name of your tree seems similar to the poinsettia. Well, I better get to bed it's getting late here.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Good morning Helsie,

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful trees, made my mornin.

    gramcracker sherry

  3. Oh, how beautiful! That is a tree we don't see over here...on the Canadian west coast.

    Thanks for stopping by our Mennonite Girls Can Cook blog...and taking the time to leave a comment. It's always nice to meet the readers...especailly those from outside the country. I have a niece living in I'm always interested in what's happening out your way!


  4. These trees are spectacular! We have nothing like them here in Michigan in the United States. What a treat to see them. Thanks you for sharing these Helsie!

  5. The trees are spectacular, would look fantastic with the Jacaranda's
