Friday, November 27, 2009


Entertaining in Queensland involves lots of time in the outdoors.
Usually it's cooler.
We like to be in the fresh air.
We love to BBQ.
That is, unless you can't hide from the scorching afternoon sun.

That was the problem when we moved into this house. It is right on top of the hill and very open to the west where the afternoon sun pounds us relentlessly 'til sundown.
And our lovely patio was just too hot to use.

Then we found a solution - SHUTTERS !

Wide open to let in the light and the view to the mountains.

Closed to keep out the searing heat in the afternoon.

Inside became "The Garden Room " with shutters closed when the sun is a problem ......

...and shutters open to let in the light and view.



  1. Helsie what a beautiful home you have with so much space! England often feels cramped you don't have that feeling in Australia! Your garden looks fab too - so different to here where it is dark, cold and we all burrow away and feel like hibernating. So different to summer when we all like to be outside.

  2. Your "Garden Room" is lovely. I love the shutters. I posted about our screened in porch and desk. We put it on because the back of our house got the afternoon sun and we use to have to keep the blinds closed in the kitchen because of the hot sun shining in. Although I doubt our sun here in northeast PA is hot likes yours down under. I love the furniture in your Garden Room too. It was 41 degrees F. when we got up this morning - it's overcast, gray, windy and looking more wintery than fall now. I think I may start my Christmas cookies today. Have a nice day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)
