Thursday, November 12, 2009


I don't want anyone to think I have food on the brain.
I don't want you to think I'm obsessed with food ...
look at these beauties!!!!!!!!!!

 I had them for breakfast. ..

and we ate this for dinner last night.

 Only healthy food for us!

Today I started a Christmas project - a table runner for Christmas Day.
My friend Kathy said it would be easy but I'm new to patchwork and it wasn't long before I was confused.

I even managed to get Kathy a little confused until she took me firmly in hand and we managed to get the first stage completed.

So at the moment it is my WIP.
It feels good to have another project on the go.

1 comment:

  1. Im sure the patchwork will turn out fine - just a little confusing to start with! The healthy food looks scrummy! Strawberries are mouthwatering - our season ended ages ago!!!
