Friday, November 13, 2009


As I sit here today pondering on my blog there is a lovely breeze wafting through my study window and with the breeze comes a delicious perfume....... oh it smells so good. It is coming from this....

This lovely gardenia is absolutely covered with flowers, .. laden with them in fact.

They start out so perfect.... pity they don't last too long in the heat and wind ..

but they sure smell nice.

Today we have a birthday in our family,  a special person called Sophie.

She shared her cake with us ... yummy!

Happy Birthday, Sophie

1 comment:

  1. Helsie, just found your lovely blog! Though we're on the opposite sides of the world, we have commonalities. Gardenias! I'd forgotten about them until your post. I've never seen such a large bush. How beautiful....
