Wednesday, September 30, 2020


This awful Covid  Pandemic has meant that we have been unable to visit family for six months even when they live only  an hour's drive away, so we were happy to load ourselves into the car and travel up to
to Mt Tamborine to visit Tony's sister recently on a lovely Spring day..

Tony's sister is very artistic ( she makes those wonderful tea cosies which I showed you here

and mosiacs  like this .


She has been keeping herself busy while in lockdown.

 doing lots of work in her tiny garden and it is ablaze with flowers in containers.

Not just the usual pots of flowers I have to  tell you......

but quirky chairs painted pretty colours with  pots set into the seat part 

and filled with colour - coordinating flowers

Like these !

She also decorates the chairs with small flowers, butterflies and hearts which she makes from pottery.

Aren't they pretty ?

But her creative energy doesn't stop there.

She has been creating tiny gardens in large shallow containers

planted with succulents and using pebbles

tiny minature houses, toadstools


tiny garden furniture

 and sometimes tiny animals to complete the scene

There is even a tiny  tea set .

You just need to have a creative mind, don't you?



1 comment:

  1. I thought I had a creative mind...until I saw these pictures. My gosh. Adorable.
