Tuesday, November 26, 2019


During the day it's HOT in Brisbane in late November
 if you are lucky, 
in the afternoon a breeze comes up and turns the evening into a balmy summer night.
Just right for a stroll through the gardens in the city centre,
along the manicured banks of our winding river.

These gardens were once our Botanic Gardens and so are planted with a host of lovely old trees 

and wide stretches of lawns - the only green lawns to be seen anywhere in Brisbane at the moment. 

There are also some scattered patches of colourful garden beds

The whole garden covers several hectares.

 It's not semi-wild like Central Park or Hyde Park
or nearly as big

but it's a lovely manicured oasis in the centre of the city never-the-less.

The best thing about it is that when you exit through the big, wrought iron gates you are right in the city 

and it's easy to find a lovely quiet spot for dinner with your fella.



  1. You snuck in without giving me warning, Helsie!!! I've only just now caught up with your New York posts....how wonderful they are, too!

    Great to see you....Love these posts. :)

  2. Thanks for visiting Lee. I'm trying to post more often.

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