Tuesday, January 8, 2019


For some time Tony has been interested in photography but recently this interest has grown and, with the purchase of a new mirror-less camera and his participation in a photography course at a TAFE College, his photos are really going up a notch or two.
He has been experimenting with low light photography so his outings have been largely just on dusk.

Recently he drove down to Cleveland Point late in the afternoon to take some sunset photos.
When he arrived he found that he was not the only one with this idea !!

The resulting photos are lovely. 

You can see why the spot is so popular with photographers.

I really love the colours in this one

On another expedition he set off for Southbank in the heart of Brisbane

travelling into the city on our beloved CityCat ferry.

 Southbank Parkland occupies the former  site of World Expo 88 which was held in Brisbane in 1988.
It is a delightful area and greatly loved by the citizens of Brisbane who make great use of its cafes, picnic areas, free BBQs and playgrounds.

One of the major attractions is the free public "beach" - a huge free swimming area with a sandy bottom and beach 

Just the place to cool off on a hot Summer night.

Finally I'll finish with this photo taken just on nightfall while we were recently in Hervey Bay

He is showing considerable talent don't you think ?



  1. Replies
    1. I think so too , Sue.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm trying to get back into blogging after quite some time away with blog writing block. It is difficult to get people to drop by and leave a comment again. Many of my old blog writing pals have dropped off as I did.

  2. Yes, Tony is indeed showing talent but also passion for creating great pictures. By the way, I blushed when you referred to a "sandy bottom"!
    Keep plugging away and old blog pals like me will come back.

    1. I’ll pass that on to him YP. He was asking if you do Instagram, a lot of talented photographers are there.
      Thanks for calling by. Hope I can keep it up as I do enjoy it as long as I can think of something to talk /write about.

    2. I am not a millenial so I don't do "Instagram" or that "Twitting" thing either.

  3. goodness me these are amazing! he should sell the images I am sure magazines and holiday sites would snap them up! xxx

  4. Oh, thank you Lyn. I'll pass on your comment, he will be chuffed.

  5. How delightful to come across your blog. I really enjoyed seeing Tony's photos. He certainly has a beautiful eye for photos.
