Wednesday, October 10, 2018


A chance conversation with an lovely resident while out exploring the village led us to our next walk. She directed us up through the village to find Edge Lane then off through the fields to Hebden where there is a wonderful tea shop.

No more encouragement needed ! 

The weather was threatening but we have raincoats and thee possibility of English rain does not daunt Aussies used to tropical downpours !

Up, up and out of the vilage

then meandering through the fields once again.

I've come to love the absence of leaves on the trees.

I love the way you can see through the trees and beyond them at this time of the year.

and those rock walls snaking their way across the green creating a multitude of patterns.

Yes, it rained but we kept on smiling.

through random clumps of daffodils

across small roads

through more of those skinny gateways that challenged my short legs and midsection !

And always there were green fields

  and lovely vistas

sometimes more soggy than others

but always lovely

 then down into Hebden and the tea shop called The Old School House

 where warm Asparagas Soup and delightful cake and hot chocolate soon chased the cold away.

Then came the walk home - 2 miles in the gentle rain.
Down to the river

Over more of those pesky styles

 over cute little bridges and raging torrents
  until civilization came into view
 and we walked up the path between the walls 




  1. Old School House was the best tea room I have been to. If you visit say hello to Martyn who runs the business with his wife.

  2. How lovely to come across you again Helen. I missed your May post and had wondered how your trip had been. This looks wonderful and am so glad you enjoyed your time in Yorkshire. After the long hot summer we have had here we are now heading into Autumn although still very mild and it was lovely to see those daffodils and the wet grass etc again and to remember that before too long we shall hopefully have daffs to herald spring once more - as you know our daffs usually appear here about Christmas time!

    1. Hello Jane sorry our time in your neck of the woods just didn't work for meeting up. The whole holiday was wonderful. I am trying to record it all here now. Glad we managed to get out before your Summer heat arrived. We so enjoyed the cool temperatures everywhere.

  3. It's a great pleasure to come along with you - ah, the misty green hills, just wonderful. Drier for us here of course. But not as tasty.

  4. Lovely to hear from you again Kate.
