Tuesday, March 13, 2018


There are lots of things to organise before you go away for over a month.

Bills that will come up while yo are away. 
Mail to redirect
Garden to look after.

Then there’s your clothes to organise.
New undies 
Warm weather /  cool weather ?
Wet weather ?

But the thing that is giving me the most grief is trying to work out how to post a blog using my new iPad.

Adding photos that are stored on the iPad is the problem.

And what is a travel post without photos ?

So if you have any expertise in this PLEASE advise me.



  1. Have a lovely time. Where are you going?

    Julie xxxxx

  2. Can't help you with the i-pad I am afraid but regards shoes I'd say sandals for hot weather(?!) shoes for wet weather and maybe even snowboots!!! Weather here is bizarre and we have more snow forecast for later this week after a day when we sat our in the garden in the sunshine with our morning coffee yesterday. Hope your plans all go well and you will be ready for the off very soon.

  3. can't help you with the iPad.I was hoping someone would tell you and that would help me.Have a great trip.Itinerary?Dates?

  4. I'm sorry, Helsie...I am absolutely of no use to you. I don't have an iPad...I don't even use a mobile phone. I have one but it's just there, always charged, plugged into the wall socket in case the need ever arises...and I such need never does. I like my dear old landline phone and my desk top computer. Both are pretty difficult to take with me when travelling...unless I have a lengthy extension cord! ;)

  5. Seems we're all old fossils !!
