Friday, March 16, 2018


Yes, very trying !

A recent 60th birthday had us dressing like we did in the 60s.
 The hippy look was as close as we could get !

They had a photo booth where you could use their props and pose for silly photos

So we did !

Now, if only I could work out how to change the size of all these photos instead of just one  ! !

I’ll just keep on trying. 

Be prepared for a few inane posts .


Tuesday, March 13, 2018


There are lots of things to organise before you go away for over a month.

Bills that will come up while yo are away. 
Mail to redirect
Garden to look after.

Then there’s your clothes to organise.
New undies 
Warm weather /  cool weather ?
Wet weather ?

But the thing that is giving me the most grief is trying to work out how to post a blog using my new iPad.

Adding photos that are stored on the iPad is the problem.

And what is a travel post without photos ?

So if you have any expertise in this PLEASE advise me.
