Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Christmas Aussie Style 

Like lots of Aussies this year we headed for the beach to  celebrate Christmas with my very elderly parents who now reside in an Aged Care Facility in Hervey Bay, a four hour drive north of Brisbane

This is an old fashioned, sleepy seaside area famous as a playground for whales on their yearly pilgrimage from Antarctica to tropical  waters in Winter where the baby whales are born before returning to Antarctica for the summer.

 On Christmas we sat down by the water having a cocktail .  Thee weather was perfect.
Not too hot with  a beautiful breeze keeping the temperature ideal.

We took  a few selfies and sent them off to family in Michigan and Wales just to rub the weather in a bit !!

On Christmas morning we collected the Oldies from the Nursing Home and brought them to my brother's home for the day.
Lunch was lovely salads and chicken and the Christmas special  - ham on the bone.

  We were seated in the patio area of his home where a cool breeze made it one of the most pleasant Christmas days in my memory.

No raging temperatures.
No humidity.

We all tucked in to this feast.
The obligatory bon bons with silly hats and terrible jokes,
a glass of cold rose
what more could you  ask  for ?

Christmas Pudding of course !

Covered with glittery sugar and accompanied with custard and trifle.

After that it was a case of find a cool spot,
put your feet up and
D O Z E.

Hope all my blogging buddies out there had a wonderful Christmas Day with lots of laughs and great food.



  1. Wow, that really does look perfect. It's trying to snow here at the moment!

  2. I'm green with envy at your Christmas in the sunshine! It's cold here and wet though we are forecast some sunshine later during the short daylight hours. Happy New year to you and your family.

  3. You were so lucky you had no humidity up there at The Bay, Helsie. It was as steamy as a big pot of steaming pea and ham soup here!

    Your Christmas spent with your loved ones looks like it was a wonderful day. That's great. :)

    I wish you and yours all the very best for 2018.

  4. It looks like you had a perfect day.You are so lucky to still have your parents around.All the best for 2018.Barbarax
