Sunday, December 31, 2017


        A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”
Chinese Proverb

We welcomed in the New Year with a quiet night at home.
Can't be bothered with the crowds and inflated prices off a night out for New Year any more.

Haven't decided on this year's resolution but last year's one to drink cocktails was quite a success and proved to be very enjoyable so perhaps another along those lines will do the trick.
I'll give it some thought today before I decide.

During 2017 I only managed 20 blogposts !
No wonder I have so few comments.
I do miss the contact with bloggers I have enjoyed in the past so will try very hard to up my game.


PS. If you are wondering about the relevance of the proverb, I'm going to try to take more steps this year (lots of them in places I've never been before and  )
hoping to  get closer to a destination I need to achieve.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


A bus from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden and another to Konigsee and we were off to cruise to the end of this pretty lake.

The weather was beautiful, the lake was calm and the scenery magnificent.  

 St Bartholoma Abbey comes into view and the boat makes a brief stop

before heading off towards the end of the lake.

where the boat sweeps around and finally pulls into a small jetty.

 The next section of this journey is a walk.

First along the lake 

turning to set off through the gap in the mountains towards another lake,

crossing a tiny stream 

and through a pretty wooded area

and finally you come upon another lake, famous for its reflections.

Ah yes, this is what we came for !

Out come the cameras

  No matter which direction you look

Wonderful !

There's a path that winds round the edge of the lake

and Tony heads off clicking away

But suddenly across the lake a breeze begins to ripple the water

and as the ripples come closer and closer

the beautiful reflections disappear !

Weren't we lucky ?



I have just been re reading my blog posts about this year's holiday and found that there are some serious gaps so I intend to catchup over the Christmas break if that is possible.

After our lovely week in St Wolfgang we moved on to Salzburg. We stayed in a great apartment on a very old "street" just across the river on the edge of the Old Town.

 The back wall of the apartment was the wall of the cliff behind it.

On this side of the river we could walk to the Mirabel Gardens where many parts of The sound of music were filmed - like this famous Pegasus Fountain.

There are quite a few foot bridges across the river and there are lots of winding old streets to explore.

   and of course the obligatory beautiful church.

On the far side of the Old Town the Fortress towers above protecting the town below.

 You can walk up to the top but the funicular is always a great option.

 Once up there the size of this structure is quite amazing.

 and the views down onto the city below are amazing

in all directions.

A rest stop is always a good idea when you can sit and soak it all up.



After Salzburg Our next destination was the little village of Mittenwald tucked amongst the mountains in nearby Germany.

Our apartment was one of several found within one of these large traditional style houses

The centre of the village was a two or three minute walk away.
A huge feature of Mittenwald is the beautifully decorated buildings
which are found everywhere but especially in the pedestrianised Centre of the village.