Sunday, December 31, 2017


        A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”
Chinese Proverb

We welcomed in the New Year with a quiet night at home.
Can't be bothered with the crowds and inflated prices off a night out for New Year any more.

Haven't decided on this year's resolution but last year's one to drink cocktails was quite a success and proved to be very enjoyable so perhaps another along those lines will do the trick.
I'll give it some thought today before I decide.

During 2017 I only managed 20 blogposts !
No wonder I have so few comments.
I do miss the contact with bloggers I have enjoyed in the past so will try very hard to up my game.


PS. If you are wondering about the relevance of the proverb, I'm going to try to take more steps this year (lots of them in places I've never been before and  )
hoping to  get closer to a destination I need to achieve.


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family and good luck with your steps!

  2. Happy new year Helsie to you and your family.

    1. Thank you Yael, hope you have a Happy and Healthy year too.

  3. Happy New Year Helsie! Your final paragraph in italics is very mysterious!

  4. Well I wish you well with your resolution. I'm sure you will let us know what it is. I'm glad that you posted today on the day that I have managed to return to Blogland.

    1. Thank you Graham, hope yours brings better health for you.

  5. Happy New Year.I hope it brings more blog posts from you.

  6. I prefer to spend New Year's Eve quietly, by myself. I find New Year's Eve parties to be too forced. Everyone trying too hard to have a good time. I prefer the spontaneous. Lining up for hours on end like so many people do for the various fireworks and concert events is definitely not for me! I just don't understand doing that...but that's just me. We're all different.

    I always see the new year in...and enjoy spending the evening the way of my own choosing.

    As for resolutions, I never make them...too lazy, I guess. It's too hot and steamy to be giving anything deep consideration! :)

    It's always good to read your blog, I look forward to visiting during 2018.

    I hope 2018 is kind to you and your loved ones. Happy New Year to you. :)

    1. Thanks for coming by Lee. I can always rely on a few words from you in the comments.

  7. I hope your unnamed destination is not heaven...or hell! I think drinking more cocktails was a super New Year's resolution. Similarly, I have pledged to eat more chips and drink more beer in 2018. I hope I can stick to this resolution. Happy New Year Helen... and Tony!

    1. Sounds good to me YP. Haven't worked out the second part of my resolution yet but will certainly be taking steps in some new places in the UK this year.

  8. Happy New Year, look forward to hearing where your feet take you.
