Tuesday, May 2, 2017


The holiday begins !

Our first time in Germany.

We have five nights in a lovely apartment very close to the Old Town of Munich.

Lots of new food to try.  Pretzels, strudel, ........

Walking towards the Old Town we passed this lovely building but as with many of the buildings we could not find any sign to tell us what it was.

Early Spring means the gardens are full of tulips. Lovely displays everywhere.

Down into the Old Town we arrived at the Rathaus 

just in time to see the famous Glockenspiel jump into action.

We wandered on and on till we came this lovely Garden behind the Residenz

It was cool but the sun was shining and people were sitting around soaking up the welcome warmth after Winter.

We were looking for the English Garden so we walked along with everyone and eventually came upon it.

It is huge, with sprawling grass and trees and winding paths that covers about 900acres.

Through it runs a stream - diverted to run here by man- creating pretty scenes and that wonderful sound of water running FAST !

So fast in fact that it is possible to surf on a wave caused by the current.
We stood and watched in fascination as surfers in wetsuits took turns to step onto their boards and ride the wave.
Incredible !

Day 3
The next day we made the pilgrimage to see Dachau Prison Camp.

It's a cold lonely place as you can imagine but one we thought we should take the opportunity to visit as it is so close to Munich.

Day 4

We were happy to leave the city behind and set out into the lovely countryside to visit Herrenchiminsee New Palace built by King Ludwig.
This trip involved travelling by train, bus and ferry always an adventure for us as we inevitably catch the wrong one or go in the wrong direction.

Never the less we ended upon a ferry that stopped at this pretty little island so off we got.

Very pretty but didn't look like there was any Palace here so we asked. 

Wrong island !!!

So back on the next ferry and off to the next island  ......a much bigger one !

Where we followed the path that lead through the beautiful Forrest of lime green new leaves

Until we came to the Palace.
This is a copy of Versailles soeverywhere you look you see vistas reminiscent of Versailles 

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take photos inside but it was very impressive.

Interestingly, the palace is unfinished as the king died and youcansee the bare structure without its final   Decorationof marble or wall paper.

The weather was perfect and as we strolled back towards the ferry I would not have been surprised to see Julie Andrews appear over the top of this hill
"The hills are alive......."



  1. You seem to be enjoying some Spring sunshine and so many wonderful sights. Thank you for sharing.

    1. The weather has been pretty good so far, Sue. Hope it doesn't heat up too quickly.

  2. Wonderful photos, Helsie. You're having lovely weather, too, by the looks of it.

    I don't think I'd enjoy visiting Dachau, though. Heavy clouds of depression and so many emotions would engulf, I'm sure. A horrid part of history...and yet, humans still haven't learned a thing.

    A stroll through the forest is very inviting, while munching on a strudel or two! :)

    1. Yes, the weather has been pretty good Lee. We are hoping it doesn't warm up too quickly, we are enjoying the cold.
      You're right Dachau was not nice.

  3. Glad you are enjoying your holiday - we have spent many happy times in Germany though not in Munich. That English garden looks reminiscent of some London Parks. Dachau was probably not beautiful in any way but certainly a reminder of how awful man can be and hopefully a lesson to be learned. When we lived in France there was a little town Oradour sur Glane nearby which had been destroyed in horrific fashion in the war and we visited several times when friends were staying and although it was a reminder of the horrors of war it felt somewhow quiet and peaceful now. Hope that Dachau was not too traumatic for you?

    1. Dachau was just something we felt we should do Jane. Not a nice place ! We visited Oradour when we were inFrance last time and fou dit very moving. Hope you are both well?

  4. Such beautiful photos. Looks like a great time is already being had. I always coming along with you on your travels ;-) Ros x

  5. Magical. Really magical. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your German adventure... before your Austrian adventure... and your French adventure. Will there be a Swiss adventure too?
