Thursday, January 26, 2017


The day we celebrate the first white settlers landing in Australia and claiming this land for England in a time when European nations were exploring and annexing newly discovered territory.

A public holiday when families and friends get together at the beach, or for friendly games of cricket  or just a backyard BBQ.

We eat steak, lamb roasts and snags (sausages) followed by pavlova and lamingtons and in our case

Vanilla Slices !

I've never attempted this delicious treat before.
In fact I haven't eaten one for decades.
But I saw a recipe on an Australia Day site and decided to give it a go as the recipe sounded easy.

Two thin sheets of puff pastry containing a thick chunk of delicious sweet custard and capped with passionfruit icing.

So far, so good !

I approached the cutting into slices with trepidation.
The recipe said to use a serrated knife and all will be well
and so I did !

Success !

Oh my !

A million calories per serve but oh so sweet and tasty.

Just get rid of the rest of this to the neighbours
and back on the diet tomorrow.

Oh wait, tomorrow is the first of the year's Cocktail Nights !

Perhaps Monday ???


Saturday, January 7, 2017


No more crazy resolutions about losing weight for me !

Last night Tony and I went out on the town to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
We started the night off with these.

They were called a "Chocolate Monk" and a "Kiwi Bikini"

Great names and delicious !

We toasted the last 45 years and sipped the lovely drinks in a cool rooftop bar we have only recently found.

Ummmmmm    de-licious !

That didn't take long to go down !

The view was lovely as the light began to fade and the effects of the cocktail began to take their toll on the photographer (me !)

So .........

My New Year's Resolution is...

to drink more cocktails...

they're fun !
