Saturday, February 13, 2016


So far this year we have had  :

* 8 birthdays - including Dad's 94 th, 
* 4 wedding anniversaries - including Mum and Dad's 70th
* 3 family members in hospital for serious afflictions - including a 16 day stay for poor old Dad ( he's on the mend now thank Goodness )
* 1 death of a much loved elderly member

I've travelled :
*  up and back to Hervey Bay ( 5 hours each way by car ) twice and stayed over a total of 10 days
*  up and back to Townsville in one day to a funeral ( a two hour flight each way - 6:00am up and home around 12:45 am ) - a very long day.

So I've fallen behind a bit with my vow to return to more regular blogging.

Let's hope things change from now on !


  1. My goodness!What a start to the year.No wonder you havn't time to blog.

  2. When you were a teacher I bet you heard lots of different excuses for absence but yours is the best of all Helen! Your blogstipation is therefore forgiven.

  3. Those are not excuses! They are reasons...and very valid reasons! I'm sorry that among the happy times you've obviously enjoy there has been sadness and concern. Let's hope that is enough! Bright skies ahead. Take care. :)

  4. Busy, busy, busy! It's good to be busy! Ros

  5. I have had to cook my own tea a lot !

  6. So sorry to hear what a traumatic couple of months you've had - hope all will be well in future.
    How fantastic that your parents have celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary - that really is a cause for celebration. In the UK, 60th (Diamond) Anniversaries receive a congratulations card from the Queen. Do you have something similar in Oz to mark such a special occasion?

    1. Thanks for visiting Coppas's girl. Yes they received their telegram ten years ago......from the Queen, our Governor-General, the Prime Minister and our Premier.

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