Saturday, February 13, 2016


So far this year we have had  :

* 8 birthdays - including Dad's 94 th, 
* 4 wedding anniversaries - including Mum and Dad's 70th
* 3 family members in hospital for serious afflictions - including a 16 day stay for poor old Dad ( he's on the mend now thank Goodness )
* 1 death of a much loved elderly member

I've travelled :
*  up and back to Hervey Bay ( 5 hours each way by car ) twice and stayed over a total of 10 days
*  up and back to Townsville in one day to a funeral ( a two hour flight each way - 6:00am up and home around 12:45 am ) - a very long day.

So I've fallen behind a bit with my vow to return to more regular blogging.

Let's hope things change from now on !

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Summer is the time that snakes become more active here in Oz
and this Summer they seem to be more active than usual.

It's not so uncommon to see a snake slithering across the path as you walk in bushy, grassy areas in parks and gardens. 
Mostly they don't bother people but this year there have been a lot more people than usual who have been bitten by them.

The one below is a Common Brown Snake.

Brown snakes seem to be the ones that are most common in biting incidents and part of the problem may be in identifying them.
This group below are all Brown snakes and as you can see they are all definitely not brown in colour !

I like to give them a WIDE berth .......

and the one photographed recently in Cardwell, North Queensland (NOT a Brown snake this time ! ) would certainly have me moving in the opposite direction ....

F A S T.........!