Sunday, January 3, 2016


Since the kids all went home a week ago I have to admit I've been taking it easy. 
Oh, I've changed all the sheets on the beds, washed all the towels and tidied up a bit but just a bit every day. 
Tony's done his bit with the vacuum and the mop but the rest of the time we've been relaxing, watching a few movies, spending a bit of time looking at our holiday photos blown up on our big screen TV.
Meals have centred around the BBQ and the large leg of ham we are endeavouring to consume before it becomes rancid ( it lasts about two weeks - That doesn't sound very nice but in fact is is a lovely ham  )   

Tonight Tony is the Cook.
That's his specialty apparatus out there under the light.                                                                          

It's his Weber Q. 
We use it a lot and he was keen to try cooking something new on it.

He decided we could use up some ham and give ourselves some variety by cooking a frittata 

And the temperature gauge on the lid is a great help so you don't singe everything.

So here is the result.

Not bad eh?

And no pots and pans to wash up but this one dish !

P,entry left for lunch tomorrow to.



  1. that looks delicious.It is good when you share the cooking but probably easier in your climate when you can BBQ a lot.C is very good with cooking but will go for straightforward things ,not very creative,but that suits me.

  2. Tony's frittata looks like it was very delicious! One-pot wonders are great! It makes things even more delicious! :)

    Sorry I'm running so behind in posting my comment, Helsie!!

  3. That's a delicious looking frittata! And you didn't have to make it!
