Saturday, December 5, 2015


I'm in the process of closing down my Helsies Travels blog and so I'm moving some posts from there to here as I like to look back on our past holidays. 
This post is from a holiday way back in May 2011when we spent a lovely week in Dorset, England.
Bright blue skies greeted us this morning accompanied by quite strong, cold winds but undaunted we set off towards Lulworth Bay through the lovely Dorset countryside. Dorset is very rural, dotted with small settlements  each with their own little pub. 

We wound our way through all this till we came down a hill and suddenly the sea was there in front of us.

Lulworth is a tiny village perched on the edge of an almost circular bay. 
There was a large parking lot which testifies to its popularity as a holiday/ daytrip destination especially for walkers.

 And it wasn’t long before we were toiling up the path towards Durdle Door – a distance of 1¼miles. 
The climb was long and steep and there were lots of pauses for a rest and the view from the top was delightful. Then came the long downward trek to Durdle Door.

This rock formation  is a bit like a natural arch and guards a lovely sheltered bay. 
The beach is crescent shaped and looks a delightful place to swim if the water is ever warm enough to allow that. 
There was one brave soul swimming today and while the sun was quite warm, the wind was very strong and cold. 

There were quite a few people around and an ice cream man selling a variety of ice creams.
We then headed back to Lulworth along the chalk cliffs.
 Our first outing to the Devon Coast was a spectacular introduction to this beautiful part of England.


  1. Hi Helen, it is really easy to transfer your posts from one blog to another. Just go into the HTML tab in the edit page and copy all the code. Go over to your Helsie's Happenings blog and paste it in. You can even backdate it in the right hand column so it has the same date as your original post. Good luck! I have been contemplating merging all my blogs into one over the holidays.

  2. Thanks for the advice Carol, it's always great to learn something new on computers. I'll give it a go with the next one I try to transfer. I have decided one blog is a better way to go as I hardly ever post to Helsies Travels any more. Are you feeling ok now ?

  3. Ok Carol, I've just looked and that looks easy enough. Where do you paste it, just where you would write the post ?

    1. Yes, but make sure you select the HTML Tab again on your HH blog. So you are copying the HTML and pasting the HTML.

    2. You can switch back and forth between the two tabs to see how the text and pics look or to add some extra text. Have fun!
