Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Good Morning from St Remy en Provence.
We have just woken up to bright sunlight after travel long non stop for approx 40 hours to get here.

This is the front door to our little apartment in the centre of the Old Town. 
Absolutely perfect !

This is the immediate neighbourhood.

The other direction.

Just a quick taken from my chair in the living room.
How delightful is this ?
Pity it is not cold enough for a fire today. Warm and sunny, heading for 26 degrees.
La vie est belle !


  1. How lovely but what a journey! Hope you will soon be rested and ready to enjoy your time in La Belle France. Do keep us posted.

    1. Lovely spot Jane, I could just come here and stay for a month. Lots to see nearby and you know how we love the French food ! So nice to be back in touch with you !

  2. The painter Vincent van Gogh was treated at St Remy in the psychiatric center at Monastery Saint-Paul de Mausole (1889–1890). I just did a little research about the town and I can judge that you have again chosen well Helen! Have a lovely time! Perhaps you should buy Tony a beret, a horizontally striped jumper and a string of plastic onions so that he blends in with the locals.

    1. Don't think there is any possibility of this Aussie blending in YP, he stands head and shoulders above most of these little French fellows. St Remy is delightful, also home of Nostradamus and the Marquis de Sard

  3. It looks so beautiful and I'm sure you are very happy to be holidaying in France once more. Enjoy your time to the max.
    Anne xx

  4. Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing about your travels. At least it's not still in the high 30s like it was for the three weeks when we were there.

  5. What a perfect place, and a perfect temperature! Just catching up on your posts.
