Friday, March 27, 2015


Phew! We've just returned from Sydney where we spent a week to celebrate the marriage of our son Brett to his lovely partner, Sarah.

(The view from our apartment of Hyde Park)

The wedding took place in the courtyard of the Mint, the oldest building in Sydney.

It was a lovely occasion with the weather being very kind - not too hot or cold, morning showers clearing so that the outdoor ceremony could take place as planned in the late afternoon.

The bride looked absolutely stunning.
So did the groom !

With both of them around 6 foot they made a very handsome couple don't you think ?

Mum and Dad made the trip down from Hervey Bay with my brother and his partner making the trip possible for them.

It was a lovely, happy family occasion.

The celebrations continued the next morning with a lovely ( guilty) brunch in the Sydney Botanic Gardens. 

Yum !!!

Back home now and back to the diet !



  1. Congratulations Helen. Sally looking gorgeous too. And what a nice touch to take it all in at a leisurely pace with a week in Sydney.

  2. Thanks Carol. I guess you are looking forward to your hols now. How is the year going for you?

    1. Absolutely looking forward to the holidays Helen ~ Term 1 is always busy as you know. Happy Easter to you.

  3. Wow! How lovely you all look. Here's wishing the happy couple all the best and many years of joy together. Your Mum and Dad are amazing aren't they? Looking good too and whatever it is they are on can I have some?

    1. Thanks Jane, it was a special time. Mum and Dad had a great time thanks to my brother.

  4. Oh how lovely! Congratulations to the whole family xxx

  5. what a lovely occasion.Getting all the family together is such a bonus.Treasured moments.Barbarax

  6. What a great looking family! The couple is gorgeous and I love her dress.

    1. Yes Lorrie the dress was superb. Such a shame we only get to wear them for a few hours isn't it ?

  7. Lovely news! One of life's special milestones - not just for the married couple but for their nearest and dearest too. A bride needs something borrowed and something blue. With your stylish wedding outfit she got the blue but what about the borrowed?

  8. It was a lovely occasion YP and we all had a lovely time. Don't know what the bride did about the borrowed but I'm sure she had it all in hand.

  9. Hello Helsie, I had a browse of the wedding pics and Sydney. The weather looks very British summer, not too too too too hot, just too hot. We have a Hyde Park in London too of course and that confused me at first. Good to meet you, Anna from across the world

  10. Welcome Anna, nice of you to drop by. It was a lovely day.

  11. What's better than a happy wedding in a beautiful setting, good weather and smiling family?

    Congratulations to the whole family!

  12. Congratulations on a lovely celebration! Everyone looks so lovely.

  13. What a beautiful wedding! The bride and groom looked so handsome – I love her dress. Your dress was very pretty too. Many greetings to the happy couple for a happy life together!
