Sunday, February 22, 2015


As a surprise birthday present Tony has whisked me away for a few days at the beach.
He's been sweating on the timing as we've just experienced cyclone Marcia here in Queensland.
It was a very strong cyclone which crossed the coast about 500 miles north of Brisbane passing close to Yeppoon before veering inland towards Rockhampton then turning south before petering out as it headed back out to sea. 
Luckily the damage has not been too severe and everyone was well prepared with TV and radio coverage. At our house we measured 180 mm or about 7 in of rain over the space of three days so the garden has had a lovely badly needed drink.

Anyhow, on Sunday afternoon we set out in showery weather for the Gold Coast, Burleigh Heads to be more specific.

Even if the weather is not so good you have to be happy with a view like this

And there are lots of sunny patches.

Despite the showery weather it is not cool but rather very warm and sometimes unpleasantly muggy.

We've been for a couple of long walks along this lovely beach.
The sea is still very stirred up and angry and it's not holiday time so there are not too many people to share with as you go. 
There's nothing quite like the feel of the sand under your feet, is there ?

Every time we walk along the beach we come home soaked by the rain showers that come up and then move on out to sea. At least it isn't cold rain !

In the distance you can see the more glitzy highrise area of Surfers' Paradise.

Here's a little evidence of those rough seas.
The beaches are still closed to swimming today.



  1. Many happy returns!

    Regarding Marcia, just you be thankful she only visited, I have to live with her...

  2. Happy Birthday Helsie! Your cyclone made news on TV over here. Those seas look wild.

    1. Too wild for me to swim in Kathy. Pity I love the surf to swim in.

  3. Belated birthday wishes Helen. Glad that you were able to have a little seaside break even if the cyclone did muddy the waters. We heard about its progress here too. Glad you didn't suffer any major damage from it.

    1. Thanks Jane, it has been nice. Home on Wednesday.

  4. Happy Birthday Helen. I am glad you had a good holiday and what lovely surprise from Tony.

    My Mum is in Rocky and hasn't had power for 4 days now. She is in good spirits considering. Some cousins called in to see her today to cut down some trees that were damaged. She was just telling me that they installed some mobile generators to get the traffic lights operational again ~ and some low life nicked them.

  5. Glad your mum is OK Carol. I heard about the generators. Incredible !

  6. How wonderful to be whisked away to the beach!

    Happy birthday, Ms. Helsie ... and thanks for sharing your seaside pictures!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Helen. Thats a gift worth showing off. I wish I was on holiday!

  8. Thanks Shay, how's the new job going?

  9. The rain was wonderful....up here on the hill I swear we can see the grass growing! lol

    Being by the ocean is good...anytime...rain or shine. :)

  10. Thanks Lee... and yes we can see our growing in front of our eyes too!

  11. That Tony! He is so romantic - whisking you off like that! Please may I add my now belated birthday greetings.I loved the seascape photograph with the slice of rainbow.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Happy belated Birthday wishes! Looks like you had a great time! Ros

  14. Oh that's right... I forgot, think we share a Birthday! Hope you had a lovely trip home too.

    1. Only the best people have birthdays in February Kate. Happy Birthday to YOU too !
