Monday, January 5, 2015


That's just about what it comes down to.
Survival !
If it's not the heat and humidity, it's the rain !



In the South it's soaring temperatures, wind and wild fires.
Poor things !

We have floods and they have fires.

Around here we've been behaving a bit like slugs !
Mooching around doing nothing much
Eating too much,

 watching rubbish TV,
 playing on our ipads
 and reading.

Well this morning I've been on the scales and I've been shocked into action !
More of this needed

We have a lot on this year.

* Our 43rd Anniversary tomorrow !

* Most of the family birthdays in January, February and March then a break till June and July

* Brett and Sarah's wedding in March and I need to fit into that dress.

* A trip to Sydney is coming up soon for Sally and I to attend Sarah's Hen's High Tea - nothing to wear to that either !

* A gathering in April of many of my cousins ( on my Mother's side ) .
Some are traveling from overseas - Wales and Texas - and we are all gathering for a weekend in Noosa. As in many families we were all quite close growing up but with the passing years have spread out all over Australia and the world. Of the older generation, my mother is the oldest survivor of a family of fourteen. There are only five of them left now and of course they are the glue which keeps us together, so this gathering is important to maintain those ties. We are hoping to have at least one representative from each branch of the family there - I have 50 cousins in all on my Mother's side.

* We have one oldie turning 94 and two turning 93 ( January, April and July ) and that brings a whole range of baggage with it.

* Two tickets for Paris have been purchased for September.
 I've been researching another holiday in the South of France possibly staying in St Remy, Pezenas and Sarlat la Caneda. We have made sure that the flights can be changed as, with our oldies, circumstances can change quickly and I have not booked accommodation as yet but will have to take the plunge soon.

So that's the bones of the plan for the year.

Plenty in there already without spur-of-the-moment visits to Sydney to see Brett and Sarah, or Hervey Bay to see Mum and Dad and of course dog-sitting duties when Sally goes on holidays.

Now all I have to do is drag myself out of this feeling of lethargy that hot weather and humidity brings.

I need to finish the decorating project of my bedroom - it's so close now with only finishing touches to go.
I need to finish my second quilt for my bed - actually only four seams to sew there before it is off to the quilter ( have to save up for that !!)
I need to apply myself to the task of losing weight .... again !
I need to make a list of all the jobs around the house that need to be done ... and then do them !
I need to get rid of all the clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit instead of hoping they day !
I need to find a project that I enjoy so I can get my teeth into it and stop drifting !!


PS. I need to get off my bum and blog more often too !!


  1. You could always do a day or two of Supply Teaching Helen, to occupy yourself (I know, wash my mouth out). What a busy year you have ahead! So much for you to look forward to ~ and us read.

    1. You got that right Carol. Wash your mouth out indeed !!
      I'm missing writing my blog, I just need to get back in the groove and find a few new ideas to write about.

  2. The P.S. is certainly true! You have been married to Tony for 43 years? Wow! Many congratulations! I hope he takes you out for dinner.

    1. Thanks YP. I'm trying to do better with the blog but it's hard not being repetitive.

  3. Congratulations on 43 years of marriage! Fun to read about your tentative plans for 2015 - you've got a lot going on. We've heard about the fires and heat in Australia - here it's grey drizzle and chill. January is tough in a lot of places.

  4. I guess we are all battling the weather where ever we are Lorrie.... and we all are good at complaining about it !! Thanks for the good wishes.

  5. what a busy year coming up.We are going to Paris in two weeks time,just for three nights.It is only a 90 minute flight for us.Sarlat is a beautiful town and as is the whole Dordogne region.Lots of lovely villages.I,too, must lose some weight.Easier said than done.Hope all your plans work out.Are your Welsh relatives the ones from Rhuddlan?

    1. Oh, lucky you Barbara ! Wish we were closer. My favourite city! Pleased to have any tips about the area around Sarlat. We are hoping to get to Oradour-sur-Glane, have you been there ?
      Yes, my cousin will be here for the gathering. It's a few years since we've seen her so we are looking forward to catching up. Cheers.

  6. Congratulations on your 43rd anniversary! I hope you have a nice day.

    Sounds like you have a good year planned!

    1. Thanks Louise, here's hoping it all goes to plan!

  7. It's hard not to be lethargic in this humidity and heat. I make no excuses for being so other than the humidity and heat! I read; I write; I watch the tennis and now the cricket. I'm adept at multi-tasking!

    You sure have a busy year ahead. Kiss the sand on the beach at Laguna Bay, Noosa Heads for me when you get there, Helsie. Let it know it still remains special in my heart. :)

  8. And...I'm running late, but I hope you enjoy your Anniversary. :)

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Lee. It's nice to have a couple of cooler days isn't it?

  9. Humidity is not pleasant and I can't imagine how you cope with it for long periods of time. I hope that somewhere in the month of January you can achieve those things you mentioned in this post. The weight loss thing is a hard one especially when we are foodies. I found having smaller portions helped me and not snacking on things like cakes and biscuits as much. I do bake for the family but now I cut slices into much small pieces and make smaller biscuits. That way I can have a little piece of something and the rest of the family can have two pieces if they want. Your trip to France sounds exciting, that part of the country is gorgeous. Have a great year with all that is going on.
    Anne xx
