Monday, November 3, 2014


This is the style of hat that is most often associated with Aussies.
You need shade here
and if you are in the Outback the moving corks help with the flies !
But today is the day when a different sort of hat appears on the heads of large numbers of the female population.

Today, women who never wear hats

deck themselves out in weird and wonderful hats.

Yes, it's Melbourne Cup Day !
Some actually go to the Melbourne Cup race

or celebrations and race days held at other race courses around the country.

The racecourse is famous for its roses
and will be at its blooming best today ready to be enjoyed by the huge crowds who flock from all over the world for this great day.


images from the Internet
But for many suburban housewives it's a great occasion to do lunch.
So that's what we did today Chez Helsie !

 Now it's time to pack those hats away till next year.
 A double tragedy has overshadowed the race.
Two horses from this race died after the race. One from heart failure and one as a result of a foolish spectator waving a flag that spooked the horse, causing it to crash into a barrier and smash its leg.
Awful !


  1. One of these years Im going to do a Melbourne Cup lunch - Im usually slaving away at work. Your shindig looks like tons of fun- and all of your hats look magical!

    1. We had a lovely day Shay, you need to do it some time ! I LOVE wearing those dear little hats, wish we dressed up like this more often but I'm not interested in horse racing and that's the only place where you see hats these days .

  2. What fun! I'd much rather do lunch than go to the races. Cute hats!

    1. I'm with you there Lorrie, it's the only horse race I look at. EVER !

  3. I love The Cup Carnival....I watch every race, every race day throughout it. To me Melbourne Cup Day is the best day of my year...but sad Tuesday was. I was on a high and then suddenly came crashing down to earth and below. Many tears I shed.

    I did well on the Cup...I don't go out to social events on Cup Day...having catered for many over the years...I prefer to do my own thing, my way. I prepared a couple of large platter so tasty bits and pieces to munch on and I grazed through out the day...and enjoyed few drinks while doing so. But, the gloss was soon taken off it when that tragic news hit.

    Today...I am locked in watching Crown Oaks Day. :)

  4. Replies
    1. It certainly was, Helsie...I shed many tears over very sad. Both were tragic events, but fortunately similar very rarely occurs.

  5. That's so awful about the horses.

    I think your hat is most tasteful. A lot of these others are just plain daft.

  6. Looks like you had a lovely ladies lunch Helen ~ good on you. But tragic news on Tuesday evening about the horses.

  7. Looks like a great time was had by all!!! Pros
