Monday, October 6, 2014


Something lemony was required for CWA morning tea
so a batch of Lemonies were whipped up.
Quick and easy and oh so lemony, they were a hit.
I knew I was taking a risk letting my little Lemonade tree bear fruit and when I noticed the poor thin little branch starting to split I hurriedly cut off all the fruit, new flowers and tiny fruit buds.
This is the harvest.
 Big, fat  Lemonades A little larger than lemons and very full of juice.
They turn yellow when ready but I couldn't wait any longer and risk too much damage to the tree.
I pruned the branches right back and gave the poor little thing a good hit of fertilizer and I promise to remove any flowers till it is a lot bigger and sturdier.
They are such prolific little trees with what seems like a constant supply of flowers and fruit.
Anyhow the fruit , though not fully mature, are very juicy and quite sweet and lemony
and the temperature hit 28C degrees so it was time for a cocktail.
Helsie's Downfall    to be exact !
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !


  1. Those lemonies good delicious!

  2. Helsie's Downfall, a brilliant name for a cocktail! :)
    Anne xx

  3. It all looks so mouthwatering! I had no idea there were such fruits.

    1. They are really delightful .... Lemon without sour.

  4. I'd never heard of these fruits. The lemonies look deelicious - when can I pop round?!

    1. Any lemon flavoured cake is good in my book Jane. Come on over !

  5. If I'd know you were doing a ceremonial fruit cutting to make cocktails I'd have popped over to help you drink them !

    1. If you can lay your hands on some lemonade so give it a try Shay. Hard to stop at one.... And there lies the name !

  6. That all looks deliciously tempting!! My little lemon tree is a wonderful produces so much fruit, it amazes me. Last season it doubled up its production - I had lemons everywhere...not that I was complaining.

    I noticed a couple of days ago it's once again covered in just never stops. I pruned it back harshly the year before last and everyone told me I'd gone too far...but I hadn't. I think I did it a huge favour...either that or I shocked it into reality! I love my lemon tree; it's not a lemonade, it's a lemon...but it's my pride and joy. :)

    1. I've pruned my little back now too Lee. Here's hoping it grows big and strong now so it can hold up those big juicy lemonade a in the future. I think lemon juice that is sweetened up might make a substitute in a cocktail with Malibu if you are a lemon lover ? .?

  7. Lemon flavoured anything is a favourite of mine. Your lemonies look scrumptious.

  8. I've never tried Lemonade fruit, must give it a try. I love your name for the cocktail!

    1. They are lovely. Lemony but sweet but hard to find. Need a little tree !

  9. I missed this post ~ the slice and the cocktail both look yummy.
