Sunday, July 13, 2014


Hello, I'm back!
I've had a week or so of doing practically nothing while suffering with a chest infection.
Two recent bouts of illnesses for someone who is rarely ill is ENOUGH !
So today I'm giving you a sneak peak of my latest project.
As you will know on our recent holiday I fell in love with Positano.
How could you not ?
So I have decided to turn this outdoor area into a Positano themed room.
This requires lots of lemony props as Positano is all about lemons.


 Of course I couldn't afford to bring all these lovely ceramics home with me

so I've been working on gathering together some lemony props. 

 Life-like plastic lemons in my mosaic vase.
and a painting project to add a bit of zing ( and lemony-ness ) to a wall plaque that was already out there.

There's been a bit of sewing too

so it's all coming together nicely.
Now, we just have to wait till the weather warms up a bit so we can use the outdoor area without freezing !
( It's been very cold for Brisbane - down to 2- 4 degrees here at night then up to 15-20 degrees in the daytime but with cold westerly winds ).

Hopefully there'll be a grand reveal soon.


  1. Quite summery there then?! It's apparently 17 here at the moment 9.30 am but we are promised highs of mid 20s next week so we'll all be complaining of the heat!! Your lemony theme sounds great and what a fabulous room you have there to do your Positano theme in. Looking forward to the grand reveal soon. Hope you are feeling better now? I think those of us who are rarely ill find it very frustrating to be suffering - I know I do!

    1. Much better today thanks Jane and a day out at the beach with Sally and Scout in the sunshine was very good medicine.

  2. Lovely lemony themes. It will look so attractive, hope to see the reveal soon.

  3. What a brilliant idea to remember your visit to Positano. Glad you have recovered Helen.

    1. Thanks Carol. Hope you are better and settled in to your new place. Teachers always get sick in their holidays !

  4. The design will be enhanced if you insist that Tony wears a suitable costume - either as a gondolier or better still a giant lemon. This could be crafted from a large block of polystyrene with a a hole for Tony's body in the middle. Any exposed skin would need to be coated with bright yellow body paint.

    1. Working on the gondolier's outfit but then I thought budgie smugglers and spray-on tan might be more fitting for Positano ?????

  5. It looks beautiful. I can almost smell those lemons from here! Rosx

    1. They're pretty good for plastic aren't they Ros ?

  6. LOVE the re-do. What a brilliant idea to bring your holiday memories back with you and turn it into something you can use all year round.

    I do hope you're feeling better. Being sick is no fun at all!

    1. Nice for a bit of a change anyhow ...and a good talking point. Then we can bring out our holiday photos and bore everyone with them !!

  7. Love all the lemony stuff. I can see why you fell in love with Positano. It looks gorgeous there...almost unreal how pretty it is. Good luck with the redo! That's a pretty room as it is.

    1. It is a lovely, friendly place and we had a great time there.

  8. I already love the room as it is...and I am looking forward to the changes you have in mind for it, too. It's a beautiful room, of that there is no doubt.

    I have some Italian plates, not dissimilar to those you've shown. Mine are "coarse", colourful, rustic-style pottery...and I love them. I had almost a whole set...purposely not matching, and yet they did, if you know what I mean. The removalists I used when I moved from Noosa to Hinchinbrook Island were the most hopeless removalists in the world and they smashed so many pieces. They were so bad, that they even flattened two pewter wine goblets! And when I say "flattened", I mean flattened. Unbelievable! I was so angry when I discovered what had happened; but by the time I discovered the damage it was too late. Most of my possessions I'd kept in storage on the mainland when I was living on the island; and I only discovered the losses after I left the island and returned to mainland living...too late to do anything about it.

    1. Nothing permanent in the changes Lee, just a bit of fun. I loved the ceramics in Positano but they were/ are very thick and chunky and very bright..... and VERY expensive !! I know what you mean about the pottery sort of matching. There used to be a lot of pretty pasta sets around too once. Must have been the fashion ! Sad to lose your precious stuff in your moves but once broken replacing it is not the same is it?

    2. I never got around to replacing what was broken, Helsie. These pieces, too, are very thick and chunky...very rustic, and very colourful, that's why I loved/love them. That style appeals to me. They came on the market, into the kitchen stores around 1983/84 a little shop in Noosa Junction called "Kitchen Kaboodle" when my ex and I were living at Sunshine Beach. And my ex would buy me a couple of pieces every now and gifts, whether for Christmas, birthday, or just because. We were gradually building up a mixed-matched set. I had two pieces of each design...meaning 2 dinners/2 side plates/2 pasta bowls/2 mugs of one design; and then we'd repeat it with another design and so on. I have only three dinner plates left, 2 side plates and one mug, thanks to Maroochy Removals!

  9. I’m so glad to hear that you have brought back all those wonderful memories of Italy and have been inspired to introduce a flavour of that lovely country into you home in Australia. I enjoyed it too, and it is in fact my favourite holiday destination.
    I was just thinking however, how lucky you were not to have gone to Yorkshire.
    Your room would have had to incorporate White Roses and Puddings! :-)
    Cheers..B..squeezing a lemon into his G&T.

  10. Ooh, lemons are a favorite here. Your placemats are so lovely - what a great job you are doing of injecting a bit of Italy into your own space.
