Friday, May 16, 2014


Beautiful Tuscany !

Rolling green hills with a patchwork of crops arranged by artistic hands.

Hilltop villages watching proudly over the land they once protected.

Whenever you see a painting of Tuscany it always includes the architectural contrast of pencil pines. 

I don't know if that's the proper name for them but if you look at any of my photos you will see them.

Placed there purely for decoration, they are the perfect foil for those rolling hills.

Then there's the stone buildings

With old, weathered terracotta tiles

And picturesque walls. ... And flowers - at the moment mainly roses and geraniums but lots of buds promising a very colourful Summer.

No wonder the area is famous for art as well as grapes and olives.

On to Venice tomorrow, I can't wait !



  1. Looks lovely - and less stresful thatn those hairpin bends taken at speed in the bus no doubt? Enjoy the rest of your hols.

    1. Thanks Jane. Much more relaxing in some wYs but roads in Tuscany are dreadful so it has its own lot of stresses

  2. You are going to love Venice Helen! There's nowhere in the world quite like Venice. I hope you are staying in Venice itself and not on the mainland because at night Venice takes on a very different character from the daytime... and I hope you are also going to Murano and Burano. Have fun. Please tell Tony no more trysts with pizza girls - it is unseemly.

  3. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely tour.

    1. Glad you have enjoyed them Linda. I've certainly enjoyed taking them!

  4. Beautiful photos of beautiful Tuscany. Enjoy Venice.
    Anne xx

  5. Enjoy Venice.I am so envious of your trip.

  6. Wonderful. Some of those ancient hilltop villages are just PERFECT.

  7. Found a lovely quiet one today Cro.
