Monday, May 19, 2014


We've all seen hundreds of photos of Venice.
It's lovely to actually be here and see the real thing.

It is just like all the photos and movies you've seen.

Trying to find your way around with a map is useless. 
We stumbled upon the Bridge of Sighs today when we were sure it was way off in the other direction.

We were advised to throw away the map and navigate by landmarks so that's what we are doing. .....  Lots of wandering, getting completely lost and in the process discovering some gems around a corner.

It's very busy. Particularly around St Mark's. I'd hate to be here at the height of the season.
However, once you move away from St Mark's Square the crowds thin to a trickle very quickly so they are not bothering us really.

The photo opportunities are boundless and we keep trying for that perfect shot.

Today we decided to go to Murano and Burano. 
Now, we had been warned by lots of people that Murano was too touristy and not to bother but we are so glad we did.
Luck was on our side and we entered a glass factory right down at the end of the quay. There was no one there and man on the front door explained that the public were only admitted to the shop. 
"OK, it doesn't hurt to look, " we thought to ourselves.

At the shop door stood a young man whose family owned the business and as we were practically the only people there we fell into conversation with him. Before long he was ushering us through a door and we were given a personal tour of the factory, had the glass blowing process explained to us while we watched the artist and his assistant create a lovely chandelier  !
But wait there's more !

Next we were invited into to high flyers showrooms upstairs to see all the really expensive stuff. Nothing much under 5000euros and most of it exquisite and much, much more.
Regretably , we were not permitted to photograph it and it is beyond words. We were terrified we'd knock something and have to sell our house to pay for it !
He didn't seem to mind when we left without purchasing anything and we made our way along the canals shaking our heads at our good fortune.

Next, more by accident than planning , we managed to find the stop for the boat to Burano.
What a treat waited there for us !
No, not the famous lace but the pretty buildings that line the canals.

The people of Burano are smart. Not for them decaying, grubby buildings.

They've made a feature of their town so that not only do they have exquisite lace and linen
but wonderful eye candy buildings and neat orderly streets.

No way you could escape with out some fantastic photos.

So once again we've had a lovely day. 
Didn't cost much ( just the price of a pretty scarf and a necklace of Murano glass beads )
and we stacked a few more incredible memories away.



  1. Oh Helen! Your pictures are fantastic. I feel like Im being given a tour of Venice by a local.

    1. Glad you like them Shay. It's pretty good here !

  2. It all looks so wonderful...and so gloriously romantic! Don't forget to call into "Harry"s Bar" and have a Bellini...or two for me...please! :)

    1. Lee, we're lost most of the time but if we stumble onto it we'll certainly have one for you !

    2. must get lost and find "Harry's Bar",'s legendary It's iconic.

  3. You really struck gold in Murano. Unexpected and unplanned experiences like that are surely the stuff of memorable holidays. I wonder where you will go next? I am guessing Verona, Milan, Lake Como? Already looking forward to the next instalment.

    1. Had planned a day trip to Verona but decided against it as too much rushing around and we've both been unwell. Next stop Bellagio.

  4. It was a great experience YP. Always thought Murano glass was overrated until I saw this, have to eat a little humble pie. Lake Como next then a few days in Paris.

    1. Lake Como was named after the American singer - Perry Como. The restaurants there serve some of the best humble pies I have ever eaten.

    2. It was not named after Perry Como, Yorky! lol Maybe the one in New Jersey was but not Lake Como in Northern Italy!! Start eating that pie!!!

      "Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake; Lach de Comm in Insubric; Latin: Larius Lacus) is a lake of glacial origin in Lombardy, Italy. It has an area of 146 square kilometres (56 sq mi), making it the third largest lake in Italy, after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore. At over 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and the bottom of the lake is more than 200 metres (660 ft) below sea-level.

      Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times."

  5. I enjoy humble pie, have eaten a lot of it over the years. I didn't realise Perry Como was that old.

    1. Married to your Italian-looking wife I can well imagine you have had to consume many large wedges of humble pie over the years Tony. As for Lake Como, I am sticking by my claim in spite of a full frontal assault from Professor Lee who has already admitted an overly keen interest in Italian affairs.

  6. I love your photos of beautiful Venice. Lovely to see this unique place again.
    Anne xx

  7. I`m never tired to see beautiful photos of beautiful and unique places... just like Venice!
    Thanks for sharing!
