Thursday, May 29, 2014


One of our activities today involved a revisit to the Louvre.
Last time we attempted to visit was on the free entrance Sunday that happens once a month and the whole of Paris was there.

Today was much quieter and we entered downstairs  through the Carousel shopping complex. This entrance is often much easier than the main entrance and we walked straight in without any line at all.

Our main target today was Napoleon III's apartments which have been preserved in one wing of the Louvre.

We knew we were in for a treat when we entered through this passageway.

Such opulence. 

All golden trims and sparkling chandeliers.

The ceilings were a sight to behold too.

Just loved this seating arrangement.

Then came the dining room.

Certainly fit for an emperor.



  1. Another fabulous day. You all have not taken a day of rest at all. Amazing!

  2. Wow! I am never sure whether I like such fabulous workmanship and opulence or whether I think it immoral in the face of the poverty outside the walls of such palaces but it is certainly amazing and magnificent. Bon voyage and safe journey home.

  3. It's as if you had Old Boney's apartments all to yourself! Co-incidentally I will bet that Tony often says to you, "Not tonight Josephine!"

  4. WOW, such opulence is a sight to behold. I love the courting chairs in your second last photo. One seat each for the lovers and one for the chaperone. :)
    Anne xx

  5. All that gold! Rather overpowering. The three-way chairs are like kissing chairs for a menage a trois. Very naughty!
