Sunday, January 19, 2014


What do you do when you live in Brisbane and the temperature climbs to 34  degrees Celcius?
Why, you head INTO the city !
Of course, the best way to avoid parking problems and costs is to catch the CityCat

Then, when you are right in the heart of the city, you alight at Southbank Parklands and follow the purple path......

that winds its way .....

to the beach !!!

Right in the heart of the city, on the site of World Expo88, is this lovely man-made "beach"

where you can lie on the sand or swim.
All completely free !!

Nearby is a waterplay area for kids

or you can play around in the cool man-made stream that feeds into the "beach".

A great place to cool off then travel home when the sun goes down.
That's the way we do Summer in Brissy.


  1. Brisbane looks like a city I would like - very beautiful and seemingly sunny and clean too. That purple walkway looks wonderful. But at 34 degrees I doubt I'd be happy to be outside in the sunshine and would be lying in a darkened room with a damp flannel over my head! Here it is supposed to rise to 7 degrees later with sunshine!!

    1. It's hot but at least it's not humid too ane which is a change for us. Glad you're seeing the sun a bit this Winter.

  2. Someone had a great idea and the city had the good sense to implement it. I would like Brissy!

    1. I'm sure you would David. The citizens make very good use of our lovely Southbank area too.

  3. Is that an apostrophe I see after the 's' in Streets' Beach? YP will be so pleased!

    From what you have shared with us of your fair city, Helsie, Brisbane must be one of the nicest cities in the world.

    1. "Streets" is an ice-cream company here in Queensland and they sponsor the lifeguards at the beach so it is named after them. I must admit I thought of YP when I looked at the sign!!!! Yes, our city centre is very nice Hippo - clean and modern. We are not very old you know.

  4. What a simply gorgeous place. That walkway is magnificent!

    1. Yes, it is isn't it. I'm afraid I'm always putting photos of it up here !

  5. I love Brisbane- so many cool things to see - fancy a beach in the middle of the city!
