Saturday, January 25, 2014


I'm a lover of books.
I like nothing better than to settle back and lose myself in a good book
but these days that rarely means sitting down in the daytime for a read.
These days  most of my reading is done
before the light goes out,
in bed,
 at night.
Sometimes that means I have a very late night if the book is good
and even when I catch myself nodding off I shake myself awake and think " just one more chapter "
( No wonder I like books that have short chapters !!)
It can also mean that a bit of re-reading takes place the next night !!
In the last year or so I have slowly been introduced to the historical fiction of Philippa Gregory and I have become quite a fan.
The first one I read was The Constant Princess and I loved it.
I know they are works of fiction but the historical background is wonderful and it has taught me a lot about that period of history when Henry VIII ruled England.
Not long after reading it we visited Ludlow Castle
 and while visiting the nearby church looked down where Tony was standing to find it was on top of where Prince Arthur's heart is buried!



  Since then I have read The Other Boleyn Girl ( and seen the film !!)
Next I started on the series about the Wars of the Roses. ( or the Cousins' Wars as she calls them ).
I've read
 The White Queen

The Lady of the Rivers
and I'm just about to begin
The Red Queen.
Not only have these books given me hours of reading pleasure but they have helped me sort out a turbulent, confusing time in English history.

Today is
Australia Day

I've written about it before here

so I'll just sign off by saying

Happy Australia Day

If you're an Aussie anywhere in the world

I hope you're celebrating by having
a BBQ,

a picnic on the beach 

or roast lamb

with friends and family
followed by a lamington or two.



  1. Somewhere along the way I got mildly interested in that history of England but never pursued it. Elizabeth I was certainly very impressive. :)
    I'm going to try and remember those books. I'm desperately trying to read Anathem right now and have Ruben Carter's (very interesting fellow) book next. First book is due to the elder son's insistence, 2nd to the younger.

    I did follow your link back to Australia Day. It is like our 4th of July. Happy Australia Day!

  2. I am also a great fan of her books and have read several. They are beautifully written and interesting on several different levels. Ros

  3. There is nothing like reading to stimulate your mind. I have several favourite authors but I may have to give Ms. Gregory a look!

  4. I haven't read any of them, might just have to download one or two to my Kindle for my next holiday.
