Thursday, November 14, 2013


I don't know about you but in this house it is often a case of feast or famine.
That includes visits to the movies.
I have to say I love going to see a good movie.
DVDs on the TV at home are just not the same no matter how big your TV is.
Too many distractions ......
Too easy to get up and make a cuppa .......
or answer the phone........
And the sound is not the same ........
not loud enough ......
Anyhow yesterday we were off to the movies again.
This time to see Captain Phillips starring Tom Hanks.
At this point in time I have to tell you that Tom Hanks is, in my opinion, just about the best male actor around.
( BTW don't you just hate that they are all called actors now not actors and actresses ? )
He just sort of becomes the character he plays.
It was no different this time.
It's a cracking good movie.
I loved it !


  1. Helsie, I live in an egg - had not heard about this movie. Thank you! I like Tom Hanks, not as much as you but think he's a good actor as well as a good person. I was wondering about the actor/actress thing the other day. I went with actress. Oops.

    1. David, see Katherine and YP's comments . Come join with us in our virtual march against political correctness !!
      If you see it let me know what you think.

    2. Count me in! You are my fav blogette! Okay, you are my only blogette but you are still my fav blogette. Glad I didn't have to type blogger. :)

    3. Actually after thinking about this a bit I think the actor thing could be a problem. Say a movie producer is making a big budget movie with a male lead. Mmm, say Blackbeard. He doesn't know who he wants to play the lead so he calls up the talent agency and says, "send over a well known dark headed actor." Angelina Jolie shows up.

  2. Must put this one on my list - I am still waiting for a wet afternoon to go and see Philomena as I am not willing to forgo a sunny one and it's been lovely here lately!

    1. Trouble is, Jane, that here they don't stay long at the theatres and then they are not the same on the small screen ... if you ever manage to see them at all.

  3. I like Tom Hanks too - this one might have to go on my theatre "must see " list. I hadnt even heard of it until you mentioned it!

    1. Was it you who didn't like actually going to the theatre to see movies Shay? Don't know when it will be out on video but otherwise hurry before it is taken off in favour of Toy Story 8 or something !!

  4. I wasn't going to see it, but I've only heard good things so I might just have to. My husband wants to wait to I'll probably have to go without him.

  5. I almost went and saw this myself last week ~ my problem is I umm and aah too long.

    1. Now's the time before the hols and all the kiddie movies take over Carol.

  6. I am also a Tom Hanks fan. He has such range and I thought "Captain Phillips" was very believable - gripping too. I'm behind you on the actor/actresses issue. In fact, I think there should be bloggers and bloggeresses too.

  7. Thanks for the heads up re. this one Helsie. I still haven't got around to seeing Mister Pip. I rather like Hanks. But I prefer the versatility of Matt Damon.
    Bloggeresses? What a mouthful YP. What's wrong with Blogettes?

    1. Okay blogettes then...I hadn't thought of that but isn't a cigarette like baby or would-be cigar?

    2. Let's start a movement to get rid of all the political correctness foolishness. Bloggers and Blogettes unite !!

    3. I could remark on your use of the verb "unite" but you'd probably throw another blackboard rubber at me!
