Sunday, November 10, 2013


 (photo courtesy of Kieran Fagan  via Julie Hawkins.)
This is the head stone of my grandfather's brother.
Two brothers went off to do their bit in WWI from the colonial outpost of the Empire,
Both fell victim to the Spanish flu epidemic.
One survived - my grandfather.
The other is buried a long way from home in  Grangegorman military cemetery in Dublin.
Back in the country of his ancestors.
A day to remember all those who didn't come back


  1. It is a good thing his grave is taken care of and he's remembered. The lives of countless people have been changed because of war.

  2. All over the world there are graves of those who fell in war. Let's keep praying that the day will come when war is no more and the world lives in peace together.

  3. Helen thank you for sharing your personal story. I had a Year 9 boy share his grandfathers story in WWII, today in class when we did the one minute silence for Rememberance Day.

  4. All wars end with peace talks or treaties. Why can't the warmongers just accept this and miss out the killing phase?

  5. Let's hope there will come a day when everyone can live in peace and there will be no more war.

  6. It was a war that touched so many people. I have a great uncle that survived the war while fighting in France but died from the flu at it's conclusion and didn't make it home. It is so very good to remember what has been done for us.
    Anne xx
