Wednesday, September 11, 2013


It's the end of a blazing hot Spring day here in Brissy.
The temperature has soared to 32 degrees today.
 Pretty hot for the beginning of Spring.
More heat forecast for the next few days and no rain in sight, so this will be goodbye to what remains of our green lawn.

Darkness falls so quickly here.
When I look out the window now - 10 minutes after taking those photos - it is completely dark out there.( 6:15pm )

But it's still very HOT !
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  1. Phew! That is hot! It's end of summer here now and today the temperature is about 12 degrees - we have worn our fleece jackets for the first time as the wind is chilly! Darkness falls just before 8.00 pm now so our long twilight evenings are long gon. It is sad to think that our wonderful summer - one of the best I can remember for many years - has now gone and we have autumn and winter to look forward to now - we haven't yet succumbed to having the heating on though - October is time enough for that though we have been tempted and night-time temperatures are now sometimes in single figures!

    1. From all accounts you certainly have had a wonderful Summer so going in to Autumn won't be too bad will it? A nice contrast of seasons. Our Winter has been the warmest on record... hope Summer doesn't go the same way !!

  2. 32 is a bit hot for September. I hope you have some cooler weather.
    Anne xx

  3. Hi Helsie...thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog....and son and his girlfriend are loving Brisbane very much...and who can blame them..they sent me lots of pictures from beautiful and they are loving the temperture....well here in Holland its a bit like Marigold Jam writes in her comment....i am so glad that they are happy there....and they made lots of friends already.....and if they are happy i am too....and yes those chairs are dear to me....we had them especially made for us when we got married 43 years ago and moved with us 5 times.....i dont like couches ...the chairs went to a lot....5 bulldogs and 4 cats.....2 Grandchildren they are still fine...the color is a bit less due to the sun and the light..but thats ok...i love my old somethimes antique furniture any time over modern ones.....

  4. Nice sunset pics Helsie. That was a bit of a scorcher today wasn't it?

  5. Helsie, this is a case where a picture is worth a thousand words. It looks hot!

  6. 32 C is my outer limit for enjoying the hot weather but oh how I wish we could have a little bit of that at the moment. It was 18 here yesterday!

  7. Can't you just set out a sprinkler when the lawn needs it? That's the only way to keep a lawn going in California in the summer.

    1. Wish we could Jan but we have water restrictions that oly allow us to sprinkle on certain days then the high cost of water prevents us using the amount that would be needed. In the old days before water meters were introduced we watered our gardens and Brisbane looked lovely. These days people can't afford to pay and no-one bothers with Spring flowers any more. Such a shame! So now we wait and pray for rain.

  8. You should have been up our way, the sea breeze kicked in and it never felt hot yesterday.
    It hit home when we were in Europe, how quick our sunsets are here. We would rush to make sure we wouldn't miss it, then sit for ages waiting for the sun to set.

    1. I remember waiting and waiting and waiting for it to get dark at the Eifel Tower so we could see the light show !
      Are you going to write some posts about your trip?
