Monday, September 23, 2013



I'm sure glad that's over !
My back problem has finally disappeared and I'm feeling back to normal once again.

Thank you to all my blogging buddies whose good wishes warmed my heart.
I really appreciated your thoughts and messages and though I was able to read your blogs while lying flat and holding up the ipad, it was quite impossible to comment.
Thank you for entertaining me with snippets of your lives in all corners of the world.

Tony has exhausted his repertoire of recipes and I'm back on kitchen duty once again.
There's a new bed and mattress on order as my ( very old ) bed and mattress have received some of the blame for the problem.
While the bed has been removed the carpet has been cleaned so the whole house is now scattered with clothes from the walk-in wardrobe (carpet in there too !) and bits of bedroom furniture and the new stuff won't be here for 10 days !!!
So it's been musical beds and searching the house for the drawer with the undies in around here for the last day or so.
A thorough cleanup of the bedroom will result in a sparkling bedroom when my nice new white bed arrives.
I'm taking it slow and leaving all the lifting to Tony.
Lucky he's a big strong fellow !

( very cheerful ) Cheers !
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  1. So glad that you are mobile again Helsie :) the lengths we girls go to to get a bedroom makeover huh?

  2. It always amazes me how changing one thing - in this case your bed - can mess up your entire house. Sometimes I put off starting a project because I'm afraid of all the peripheral doo doo. Glad your back is better, hope it stays that way for a good, long time.

  3. Glad to hear you are back on your feet! I know lying on your back gets really old after a couple days. Maybe that new mattress will keep your back in better shape from now on.

  4. A new bed sounds a good idea. Glad you are feeling better.

  5. I visited my brother in Germany for the first time in ten years. Embarrasingly, he and his lovely wife had gone overboard providing me most comfortable accommodations and, recognising I was arriving from African summer to German winter, turned their heating up to full blast. The following morning, they came down to find me sleeping on the floor in the kitchen.

    'No wonder you have a bad back,' I told Micky, 'your beds are just too soft!'

    His wife appeared upset. 'Don't worry Darling,' Micky assured her, 'He's a bushman, he's not used to beds'

    I am very pleased to hear you are feeling better. A good, firm mattress can only do you good.

  6. Wearing undies is over rated. Dare you to go commando!

    Glad to hear your back is playing nicely again. You wont know yourself with a new bed !

  7. So glad to hear you a feeling better!

  8. Perhaps Tony should train as a masseur then he could attend to your back problem - and to the back problems of other women in your neighbourhood! Nice to hear you are through the worst of it and I hope the new bed helps. It should do.

  9. So glad to hear your back is much better. There is nothing quite like have a new bed and mattress. Every time I come home after being away, I'm just so glad to get back into my own comfortable bed.
    Anne xx

  10. I am working back (ha) wards through your posts. I'm glad you're better although I'm sorry that didn't know your back was giving you gyp! A good bed is a good investment.
