Monday, September 30, 2013



is the reason why we try to go overseas when the weather there is cooler.

We 're not looking for hot sunny days and beautiful beaches when we go on holidays, we have them
 here !

This morning we drove for about 70 minutes to reach these lovely beaches.

We had breakfast.
Then shoes in hand and sun visor on, Tony and I strolled along the lovely white sands
 and paddled in the clear, refreshing water of the Gold Coast beaches.

The temperature was in the high twenties and we are facing six months of hot weather ahead but today was almost perfect.

There was even a humpback whale frolicking in the deeper water off the beach.

It's school holiday time and families were out enjoying the wonderful Spring weather.

Of course a delicious gelato was just what we needed before we set off back home.

It's a hard life.

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  1. I can see why you like England in the Spring!! It looks wonderful where you are just now. I have a mention for you on my next post - don't miss it!!

  2. Ohhh, it looks good! Everything. But the water looks so clear. I took a few minutes and imagined walking along in the edge of the water about where you are standing. It was great.

    I laughed about your comment. "It's a hard life."

  3. Sounds and looks divine. Here, we are moving into fall, actually.

    I am now out of the hospital (7 days in) and back among the living, just moving quite a bit slower nowadays.

    1. I'm sure you're very glad to be home under the expert care of Mrs RWP. Hope you keep improving.

  4. I totally agree, but unfortunately if I want to go overseas with Emma I have to go during school holidays which means either very hot or freezing cold weather. Not my idea of fun. I'm looking forward to aiming to go to Europe in spring...eventually.
    Crossing my fingers that the hot summer forecast is wrong, although I'd prefer hot and dry to what we endured last summer.

    1. Looking at your photos it certainly looked hot when you were OS. I'm with you onthe hot summer ahead though you live in the right place for it.

  5. Lovely pictures Helsie.
    I too love spring and autumn at the beach. Why frizzle and fry there in the middle of the summer when you can be cool at home under the trees in the garden? I have to add that I don't like all the people and prefer finding a stretch of sand that's my very own.

    1. Yep, I'll be hiding at home in the aircon when it gets hot.
      Luckily the crowds at the beach were only at the flagged swimming areas. There was plenty of quiet empty beach to stroll along.

  6. I love Queensland beaches...they really do epitomise the Australia you see on I listen to the rain battering down here in the South those pictures are even more tantalising.

    1. We could do with some of that rain Shay. Send it up in our direction.

  7. Clear skies ~ clear water beautiful.
