Monday, July 8, 2013


Can you guess where we've been today?

We were up and dressed and out of the door by 8:00am today.

The sky was blue and the weather warm as we headed off along the highway.

Peeping out among the dark green leaves along the roadside were lovely wattles bursting into bloom.

First it was breakfast at a little cafe then we met up with.....

Sally and Scout

Scout is growing up fast.
She's 5 and a half months old now.
We parked at this children's park near the beach where dogs are allowed off leach.

The possom was keeping a look out for other pirates.
The beach beckoned so off over the dunes we went. 

No surf today and not too many people about as school holidays have just finished.

Plenty of room to run and chase the ball without disturbing anybody.

Then back over the dunes to the banks of Currumbin Creek

A few hardy souls were swimming out to this sandbank with their dogs.

Not warm enough for us to join them today though Scout was in and out of the water.

Have I mentioned before that Queensland does Winter well ??????

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  1. Wow! That's winter?!!! We have summer here now and it's warm and sunny at least for now - probably no hotter than your winter but to us it's amazing!!

  2. Looks lovely! I think if I ever visit Australia, I'd have to go in your winter or I wouldn't cope with the heat! I'm not coping well over here at the moments with temperatures around 30 degrees C!

  3. As I sit here freezing , in my winter woolly pyjamas and socks no less I'm vacillating between complete envy that you have such wonderful Winters and cursing you because don't think I didn't notice that you're all wearing T Shirts !

    My Tshirts wont be making a fashion appearance until at least october.

  4. Some really nice photos! Also I like what you and Carol have done with the photos and telling a story.

    I believe a long time ago there was a song which said, "the bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle." I've never seen Seattle skies but I would put your sky up against it any day. :)

  5. Hey, this isn't fair, you know, we're supposed to be having summer HERE. It looks suspiciously like you are stealing it! ;)

  6. Lazing about by the beach - you must feel rather bored Helen? How about returning to the classroom as a volunteer teacher? You know you want to! Think of the beneficial impact you could still have on so many young lives.

  7. My youngest son lives at Byron Bay, and my daughter at Rocky. What wonderful beaches you have, and the best bit; they're not overcrowded!

  8. So, so beautiful! So good to get up bright and early and make the most of the day. Glad you had fun! Ros
