Friday, May 24, 2013


Before we came on this holiday a Trip Advisor forum advised me that May was not a good time to come to Switzerland.

A lot of chair lifts and tourist activities would be closed down for yearly maintenance and it would be the rainy season.


Well, May is the time we like to come to the northern hemisphere.

1. It's Spring and that means flowers and by May the leaves are usually on the trees.
2. It's still pretty cool. We have plenty of hot where we live and yearn for cool weather and coats.
(I know you think we're mad ! )
4. We like to dodge the crowds of tourists that come in the Summer.
5. It fits in best with Tony's part time work as a lawn mowing contractor.

So while we've been here we've been a little hampered by the weather.
It's been very changeable - cloudy and raining one minute, sunny for a while then cloudy again.
Luckily we've had good access to the Internet and the weather forecasters here are very accurate so we've been able to plan when to do things and have fitted most things in.

We've been to Jungfrau and though it was completely clouded out, we had a great day and a memorable experience.

We've been to Piz Gloria where the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau poked their heads through the clouds into bright sunshine and blue skies for an hour while we marvelled at the sight before the clouds rolled back and hid them from view.

We caught a train to Zurich when it rained all day here and was mostly fine there.

And today we woke to snow right down to about 1000 m but there were breaks in the cloud and as it was our last day we visited two nearby mountains- both over 2000m - by funicular and cable car and experienced the absolute beauty of fresh snow on the tall trees as we climbed above them into the clouds where the snow was still swirling .

So Switzerland has shown us everything ( except a sunny day ) and every minute has been an adventure and an absolute overdose of beautiful scenery.
Tomorrow we move on again towards the final few days of our holiday but I've a feeling that we'll come back to Switzerland sometime in the future.... I sure hope so !



  1. lovely photos, the grass looks like it has been dusted with icing sugar!

  2. Glad you like it chilly and that snow is a novelty for you then! Switzerland is beautiful whatever the weather isn't it? Enjoy the remainder of your holiday.

  3. It looks so pretty, I am glad you had a lovely holiday. Xxx

  4. Im loving seeing all these snaps. It's like taking a mini vacation myself.

    I get the impression that your husband is a bit of a clown for the camera. I can just see him photo bombing ....

  5. I've enjoyed seeing all your pictures, Helsie! So, so beautiful! What a dream trip.

  6. Beautiful Switzerland, your photos are gorgeous. I'm glad to hear you've had such a lovely time, that the weather hasn't impeded your enjoyment of such a wonderful country. Safe traveling home.
    Anne xx

  7. Breathtaking photos. Enjoy your final days of your holiday!!

  8. It all looks so lovely. I can't wait to get there now .... but I hope we don't get snow in August. We have had one of the coldest springs ever here in the UK so I'm hoping it's going to be much warmer! I've really enjoyed following your trip x

  9. I'm going to have to go back to Switzerland after seeing your photos. Last time I was there was early October. It was quite cool but overall the weather was good.

  10. Absolutely beautiful. Bet you loved the snow.
    Hey, can Tony come here and mow my grass?
