Friday, March 1, 2013


That's what it's like here at the moment.
Rain, Rain, Rain.
Since the end of January we've had more than a metre of rain!
That's more than 39 inches on the old scale.
Everything is soggy.
The grass is GREEN
There's mildew beginning to appear in hidden places
and your towel doesn't dry after your shower.
I don't mind.
I love the rain...
but today we had a little outing to brighten the day.
Tomorrow is Sally's birthday so we celebrated with High Tea.

A delightful diversion on a very rainy Saturday ( 3 more inches today so far ).
Happy Birthday Sally


  1. Happy birthday
    The High Tea looks yummy!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Wow! That's a high tea and a half!

    Happy Birthday to Sally from Angola.

  3. High tea! That brings back lovely childhood memories of my grandmother's high teas.

  4. Other than the top layer, that looks like a High Tea that I would love.

    Happy Birthday to Sally from France.

  5. Happy Birthday, Sally!! I would have loved to join you for High Tea!!

  6. How fun is having high tea. We do tea, but it's never high Birthday wishes. You two look like sisters.

  7. That looks yummy.I have put on 4lbs since my op,comfort eating and no exercise but I could so eat that tea!

  8. 39" of rain since January!
    Wow! January of which year?
    I thought you were in the middle of a 80' heat wave. With 39" of water you are going to need very high wellies!
    PS Just been up to Cliveden to look for snowdrops - it's looking very damp and drear too.

  9. Happy Birthday Sally! High Tea looks wonderful.

    You've certainly had your fill of rain havent you? We can safely assume Queensland is out of drought I think!

  10. Sorry to be so late commenting .. high tea looks lovely. I've never had high tea. something i need to do some day. exactly what is high tea?

    anyway, happy birthday sally!!

  11. Now that is a cheering sight. All those cakes! Now, in the tradition where I come form, that would be an afternoon tea. What would make it a high tea would be a hot main dish before you start on the cakestand. But it looks fantastic whatever anybody might call it. Lucky Sal. Happy birthday!

  12. Hey Foody - perhaps 'High Tea' in Oz means - it is on three levels up from the table? :)
    I agree - that is just a snack for us in this neck of the woods too!
    But as you say - it looks fantastic.

  13. I'm with Foody! In UK ,this is called Afternoon Tea - much posher than high tea which is for kids and for workers hoe from mines or farms.
