Wednesday, March 13, 2013


It's been a while since I've had the urge to sew.
Too hot, plus the apathy that follows Christmas...

but a need for a small blanket has arisen
and since I had a few blocks left over from Sally's quilt I thought I put them to good use.

Just needed a couple of extra squares from marching fabrics, a couple of borders and it's done.

Or should I say "Almost done !"

Now comes the part I hate !

Down on my knees I taped it to the floor of the main bathroom.
Luckily no-one uses it much as there it sat weighed down with heavy books for about 5 days till I could ignore it no longer!

Down on my knees on a cushion and putting in the pins is my least favourite part of quilting.

Finally all done.
Now for my first attempt at quilting the whole thing myself.
Just quilting in the ditch but I'm not confident I can get it pucker-free.

We'll see how it goes.

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  1. I would have spray basted that sucker...much much easier!

    Good luck with your quilting. I have complete confidence in you. Its going to be lovely.

  2. It's a lot of work! But I'm sure it is going to look great.

  3. That is going to be lovely.Show us the finished object when it is done,please.

  4. I dread the quilting and basting part too. I'm always resigned to the fact there will be a wrinkle or two. I like to think it gives it a more 'homemade' feel :-) Can't wait to see your finished quilt! It is going to be fab.

  5. Oooh, Helsie, how long is that going to take you? It looks very ambitious to me, a total know-nothing-about-quilting. Good luck. Remember to show us when you have finished.

  6. I would have spray basted that too. 505 is the stuff you need.
    I'm sure you will be fine with the quilting, can't wait to see it finished.

  7. It'll be worth it in the end, I'm sure of it. Hoping you don't suffer with this heat for too much longer.

  8. Why does it need to be weighed down with books? (Does it show that I've never made a quilt in my life?)

  9. Katherine:
    I think it helps it all stick together. We'll see when I attempt to quilt it tomorrow !!!
