Wednesday, March 20, 2013


When Sally returned from her last visit to Scotland she brought home with her some yarn for me.

Very different yarn.

When you open it out you get this open weave lacy stuff with a little bobble edging.

The colour variation is very pretty.

This yarn was all the rage here last Winter.
It knits up into a very cutesy spiral scarf.
We really don't have a need for scarves here in Brisbane for Winter.
Not cold enough....
but we still love the look of them
so something light is the way to go.
Last night I thought I'd try my hand at knitting up the ball Sally gave me
and in a couple of hours I had this!

About six foot long

and quite pretty

Tonight's project is this "ball".


It's very different but is to be knitted up in the same way.

I wonder how this one will look.

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  1. I love the peacock colors of the first scarf. It's really too warm to wear them where I live, too. So I buy them and store them away for cold weather that never comes. But you can never tell, one day I might need to go to Chicago in January.

  2. I like the look of these scarves – very different and the colors are great. I also enjoyed your post on the quilt. We went to a quit show a week ago and there were so many lovely quilts – too many to place in one post only - I'll write another one this week-end.

  3. Very cute , and I love the way it knits up . Looks like you did some very complicated stitchery!

  4. You will look smashing in them! Will you take one on your trip with you?
